Just finished playing through this for the first time since shortly after release. As much of a masterpiece as I remembered. I had forgotten a lot of how certain things get to their ultimate ending on both sides. Keep in mind this was my third time playing through the game and I was still shocked that they WENT THERE during some parts of this game.
This game is going to translate so incredibly well to a TV show, there’s so much material to work with. It’s such a complex human story about two humans seeking revenge in a world that breeds it, only to regret their actions by the end.
This is also a game I found on this playthrough where, at least by the time you are playing as Abby, the NPC’s don’t exactly feel entirely like NPC’s. You’ve already played through those days so you know that Ellie, Dina, Jesse, and Tommy are out there taking out the WLF. You sort of feel like you might run into them at any point.
Oh, and Jeffrey Wright has to be reprising his role as Isaac… right?