The thing that makes me mad the most about the attraction is thats its in a HUGE space. It has the ability to be two stories. But, they wanted the attraction to be more spread out. Also, the attraction is much bigger than the average HHN tent, yet, the attraction is shorter. Thats just me. I totally get that they don't want it squeezed together. But, if its the same size of an HHN tent and it is worse. They are doing something wrong and come on Murdy you can do better than that.
and nobody can argue with that statement because come on you know its true. Trust me Im a haunt designer I have my own. I understand why they didnt make it that big but in the long run its affecting them. Theres a few things to add to that attraction to make it more immersive. First return the preshow of the savior yelling at you. Second, add an actor at the outside of the attraction. Like a photo op.