I have absolutely no knowledge of the Basilisk and neither do my contacts. Only hint we have about that are the drawings and the cobra heads out back at one time.
That is what most fascinates me about these large projects... How much or little someone with a big or little hand in the project might not know yet what they do know. While it might seem obvious to some it is quite something here in Florida. Let's say, I received a contract to build one little animatronic but that is it and I don't even know where it will be used (this is the case a lot on this project). However, I have a sub contract for a mall decoration but I must discuss with the contractor's team. I meet at their offices... after the meeting... someone says, "you HAVE to come see what we are working on but this is NDA". All of a sudden you are in a sculpting room seeing mega things from this project and going "cool!" You might even say, "where will that be" and the person building it will say, in the ride somewhere. You ask, "but where, what part?" and the answer will be, "WE DON'T KNOW!"
Let's say there is a anim dragon in this project. The final team will arrive to install and test it, blow fire etc... yet they will never see any other part of the ride.
Bizarre huh?