So, what? Am I supposed to ignore any flaw because there's a lot of amazing things? Look, I am a hard one to piss off, but I am getting really annoyed with this kind of pointless comments every time someone points out a flaw. Criticism and edification are good things to keep improving and growing anything and anyone. We discuss the good, and we discuss the bad; we discuss the facts. And the fact is that this part is crappy. Or do you think otherwise? I really doubt you think this looks good...
I love Universal, I have had an AP for many years and I even pay for my whole family to have APs as well. As a matter of fact, I just renewed 3 Preferred Passes a couple of days ago and will be renewing my own AP in a couple of months as well. I am a true and tried fan. But because of that I'm not gonna be ignorant to
I alone have written hundreds of posts about all the amazing things in the WWoHP. You just haven't been around long enough to read them, or understandably you haven't gone and read thousands of pages of discussion where I express my love and praise of this land, but believe me, it's there. I understand that being a fan of something and having someone criticize it hurts, but the truth is the truth, and you shouldn't ignore it. You gotta stay objective.
I understand they were tight on budget when they were first building the WWoHP, but now that it's bringing them so much success and bucket--no, truckloads of money, they should perfect the spots that need perfecting. The WWoHP deserves to have some more money put back into it, to finish up these weaker areas. This project alone brought Universal all this money... put some back into it and make this totally perfect so there's no break in the illusion/magic :thumbs: