Aberforth Dumbledore's Home/The Great Hall Restaurant
Another option would coincide with the idea of getting rid of Dragon Challenge. In the 7th Book, the trio enter Hogwarts through the moving portrait of Dumbledore's sister. What could be done here is that Universal uses that same idea to transport guest into the Great Hall. You could still have a mini show with the moving picture and such and then lead guest down a hall where they wait to be seated and have stuff to look at that you don't see while in the Queue for the FJ. However, I could only see this done if Dragon Challenge is removed because that obviously takes up a tremendous amount of space. On a side note, you wouldn't be losing it for just the Great Hall, Universal could fit in a small ride as well like a Thestral carriage ride through the Forbidden Forest.
Here is the video in which Harry, Ron, and Hermione travel to Hogwarts through a moving portrait in Aberforth Dumbledore's house: