Yea I heard the 2-3 weeks for possible soft opening this morning. I wouldn't be surprised if they did soft opening after Feb 11th... since that is when APs expire, unless you have already upgraded to the new APs or have one of those fancy premium APs activated that gives USH the middle finger lol.
And did you just say that you hope Hollywood's FJ is toned down!? :blink: Will the "Expecto Patronum" spell work on you? I don't want to see FJ toned down here, it was toned down way too much in Orlando. It was horrible. It is a thrill ride, I want thrills not sleepy nappy time gentle ride... although to be fair, I have napped on FJ once, as well as Transformers, and the Studio Tour

h34r: Motion sickness people be damned! lol
And FJ here doesn't need the programming tweaked, the reason you see things you're not supposed to is due to Orlando having toned down & screwed up the ride programming. However, there are instances where you will get glimpses here/there, but that isn't a ride programming issue. it is a lack of proper scenic to fully immerse you into that particular scene.