Hi everyone! Been following IU for awhile, just joined the forums. Living in Burbank and lucky enough to have snagged a Premium pass as they were being discontinued, it was easy for me to rush over to Universal last Saturday when I heard tech rehearsals were running again. I attended LeakyCon 2011 so was already familiar with Hogsmeade from Florida, but it is SO NICE to have one on our side now. I thought I'd chime in with my experience.
I noticed a few people complaining about making the FJ Single Riders wait for the lockers. Has that happened to everyone? It didn't happen to me at all. Maybe I accidentally cut everyone off, but there was really no organization for Single Riders when I went on. I honestly felt a little neglected and confused. At very the front archway I asked for the Single Rider line and they just gestured toward the right while the rest of the line curved around towards the left. I walked around pretty lost not knowing where to go. I went to one outside crevice and found another team member to ask again where was the Single rider line. They again just casually pointed over. I saw the group of people waiting to go in for the lockers (but I didn't know that yet) and asked them if they were Single Riders. They said no so I kept looking. I went inside past the lockers all the way in and again asked where is the Single Rider line. The TM there pointed me down a dark hallway. I was actually a little intimidated. It was way too hard to see my way around and was afraid of tripping. I just kept walking around in the dark with no instruction. It felt weird. Eventually I caught up with the main line but was obviously passing them all up. At one point I stopped at what I thought was a waiting area until the TM noticed me and told me to keep moving forward. I finally reached the end and boarded. I guess I was the SINGLE rider in the Single Rider line. I was so caught off guard over how quick that line would be and how much of the castle and story set-up I'd miss. Anyway, was that just a fluke experience that they weren't really ready to deal with Single Riders yet? No one told me to wait for the lockers. Those of you who waited, did they direct you there intentionally? Would it have been possible to by-pass it all and go straight inside if you walked with authority and didn't ask directions?
As for the ride itself, I definitely felt the image was blurry due to the 3D. Hopefully that is resolved with the correct glasses. Also I don't remember getting so wet before! I'm sad there don't take photos. Why don't they want pictures of us in glasses? I would think that would be more fun?
My other question for people was how was your Butterbeer foam? They gave me so little and it had mostly melted away by the time they handed me the glass. I'm not sure if they pre-filled it and I got something that had been sitting there? What I remember the most about Florida is how glorious that foam was and even as I drank away it seemed to last forever and even expand. Obviously, I know they're still learning so it could have been a mistake. I don't know if I should have asked for more when they handed it to me? Did they do an okay job pouring your drinks?
Other than the FJ confusion and lacking foam, I was very happy with my visit to Hogsmeade. There was no wait for Olivander's, FotH or anything! It was so wonderful to walk freely without a crowd. All the TMs were super nice and friendly. Very engaging as you walked around. Someone helped me as I struggled to conjure up a spell with my interactive wand. The food was delicious too and the workers were patient with me trying to decide what to get. I only stayed a few hours but loved it so much and can't wait to go back. I'm so thankful to Inside Universal for all the coverage. I owe them so much!