The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood | Page 285 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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Speaking of lockers… it’s been 10 years since I’ve been to a universal park. Can anyone remind me how the lockers work these days?

For example, I have the universal app on my phone, which has my park tickets. Do I use my park ticket to enable my free locker at forbidden journey? Does the park give you a physical ticket when you first come on? Or do I scan my phone at the lockers? If so… do I then stash my phone in the locker, and how do I get back into the locker after? Or can you bring a phone on Forbidden Journey?

My brain can’t remember how this works, but I have a memory of scanning my pass to unlock a locker.
The old FJ lockers in Hollywood (and the ones at Mummy) are/were tied to your fingerprint that had to be scanned at a station... but looking closely at these new lockers, they appear to be tied to your park ticket. Yes, you still get a physical ticket when you enter the park.

If the phone fits in your pocket, you should be able to bring it on the ride with you.

Makes me wonder if they'll eventually swap out the Mummy lockers so they'll be ticket enabled as well.
My only issue with the Tickets being what its tied to is my ticket always gets faded and need a new one....really wish AP's got like plastic tickets over the normal paper kind
They also have a kiosk to print like a “ticket” but it just lets you get a locker.
I feel the same, but at least there's a code on the app. Not sure if a phone would fit under these locker scanners, but if they do, that's certainly an option
Yeah, I'm happy to hear this

It makes sense because you can also get tickets for SNW and SLOP when they have the Virtual tickets, Universal seems very nice when it comes to these kinda policies