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This Just In - Current USH Happenings

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I'm surprised this hasn't been discussed yet...

Has anyone heard the new entrance music that now plays inside the main gate and down the main thoroughfare into the park? It debuted toward the beginning of May so it's fairly new.

I personally love it much more than the former loop. I feel it does a substantially better job at capturing the "essence of Hollywood" than the former

It's quite a leap from the previous music which was way more upbeat and contained several tracks from Universal's IOA.

For the record, the old loop still plays within the park, in the Production Central "hub" near Potter's entrance, Springfield's entrance, Dreamworks Theater's entrance, and the walkway to Lil' Paris.
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I'm surprised this hasn't been discussed yet...

Has anyone heard the new entrance music that now plays inside the main gate and down the main thoroughfare into the park? It debuted toward the beginning of May so it's fairly new.

I personally love it much more than the former loop. I feel it does a substantially better job at capturing the "essence of Hollywood" than the former

It's quite a leap from the previous music which was way more upbeat and contained several tracks from Universal's IOA.

For the record, the old loop still plays within the park, in the Production Central "hub" near Potter's entrance, Springfield's entrance, Dreamworks Theater's entrance, and the walkway to Lil' Paris.

What are some of the new songs?
Yep, from Joey Talbot, which also did work on Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

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I think for LA to get the olympics at 2028! Its great because Universal Studios Hollywood has time to expand its park with more big attractions, built hotels , & also enough time to built a 2nd gate but remember The US is gonna host the World Cup on 2026 and LA is the city to host most of the games !
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I think for LA to get the olympics at 2028! Its great because Universal Studios Hollywood has time to expand its park with more big attractions, built hotels , & also enough time to built a 2nd gate but remember The US is gonna host the World Cup on 2026 and LA is the city to host most of the games !

LA hosting the World Cup, is not official I believe, and that LA wouldn't just be the city hosting the World Cup.
LA hosting the World Cup, is not official I believe, and that LA wouldn't just be the city hosting the World Cup.

Its a 80 percent chance Most likely it's coming to the U.S Mexico & Canada that they are going to recieve the World Cup! Mexico & Canada will host less games. The U.S will host most of the games, I know Los Angeles is one of the cities to host many of those games due to having 3 stadiums! but they are also other cities they will host games but not as much like LA will!
I just wanted to go back and answer my own question regarding parking for Platinum passes. As was mentioned earlier, parking rates have increased, but so had the cutoff times... instead of a 5pm cut off, it was listed as 6pm. But no mention was made on how Platinum passes were going to be dealt with, as they originally had a 5pm cutoff time as well. As I was due to renew my pass anyway, I thought I'd ask a few different team members for clarity, and here's what I was told pretty consistently.

Technically, Platinums can park for free prior to 6pm. However, if you look at the pass itself, or the park website, it still says 5pm. Though one team member thought that the mobile site said 6pm. They are aware that there are inconsistencies in the information, and they are working to clarify it.

We were told the reason the passes (and perhaps the website) will likely continue to say parking is only good until 5pm is to give a buffer. That way, if someone comes in a bit late, say 5:05, they will still get the free parking, and Universal looks generous. That said, the hard cut off is 6pm. If you're in line at the parking booth at 5:55, but it takes 6 minutes to get to the booth itself and it's now 6:01... whammo, you gotta pay $10. The computer system will not allow for the free parking once it's clock changes to 6pm. So this way, when the pass still says 5pm, there's a bit of give.

I can say this exact thing happened to me once at the casual fast food place Pick Up Stix. They had a lunch special that was good until 3pm. We were in line at 2:50, but the orders before us took so long, by the time we got to the front... no more lunch special prices, and the employees couldn't do anything about it.

It's a bit confusing, but I can see why they do it.
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maybe because it was people place to go to because wait time boards in the park are all scattered and it is easier to plan to which to go next and It was used a lot so probably to not alert park guest they decided to not announce it cuz it was already crowded and to have more people come over would be a total disaster
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