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Tiana's Bayou Adventure (Now Open)

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Well, I will not get political here (try not to at least), out of respect to the site and the mods.

Very mixed feelings here. Upset more than anything. Splash Mountain is my favorite ride. It has been since I was a kid. I went to Disney/Universal every year for my pre-teen/teen years. As I got older, it was just Universal for a long period of time. So I’d say I have been coming to Orlando from NY every year for the better part of 20 years now (however with probably an 8 year long Disney drought).

I’ve seen Universal evolve firsthand going every year and seeing the new attractions built, ride closures etc. So while Universal has evolved, so have I into adulthood. I used to love going in my younger years for the rides, getting soaked on Popeye, riding the Mummy infinite times in a row. Now I love going for the scenery, eating out, drinking etc. Adult stuff

However, in recent years I’ve gone back to Disney. And being back there was almost like being a kid again. There was some changes here and there, but Magic Kingdom has largely stayed the same. So the nostalgia is always real. That always starts with Splash Mountain for me. The characters, the music, scenery. Heck, even the queue. It’s like boom, I’m 11 years old again.

Its unfortunate the source material is what it is. Can’t defend it. I feel the ride did a good job of taking the characters and creating it’s own story. So I see the stance of calling Disney hypocritical for erasing the movie from its library, but still opening the ride, profiting of the characters etc.

My biggest issue is the reaction to the people who are not happy about this (and I apologize guys if I’m going down the path I said I wouldn’t go down at the beginning of my post).

This is a civilized forum so that’s why I like to post my theme park thoughts here as opposed to Twitter. I’m seeing people react negatively to this only to be called out as a racist, a bigot, a MAGA. That’s just unfair. I laid out the reasons why the ride is special to me. It’s possible to love the ride AND understand the source material is racist.

Thats all I got. Sorry for the long post. Had to get it off my chest somewhere
This sums up my thoughts pretty well. When I think of my family vacations to WDW growing up, Splash Mountain is synonymous. I saw the fireworks go off for the first time right as we reached the top of the final drop one night years ago, and it's probably the all around best memory I have in a theme park. So yes it hurts, because a lot of people have great emotional connections to this attraction, but it is absolutely the right move to make, and it is long overdue.

I would love to get one more ride on it as is, but very much look forward to seeing what incredible things they can do re-theming it to PaTF.

(While we're at it, Dudley Do-Right is superior to Splash Mountain anyway)
I have a problem with your response because he/she said that they *would* they didn't *deem* anything ruined. People are allowed to be skeptical about stuff like this. Splash Mtn isn't Maelstrom, its one of the BIG THREE at the two most visited theme parks in the world. I empathize with this member's hesitation because this is not only a big change for the ride, but a big change for the park.
I disagree with your last point. This isn’t going to alter the tone, purpose, or crowd flow of the park on any practical level. It’s replacing the outdated (on multiple levels) property of a ride with a more current and recognizable one. If anything, it improves the overall escapism of the park by aligning the IP with something more relevant. Swiss Family Robinsons Treehouses became Tarzan’s Treehouse. Jack Sparrow got added to Pirates. Mr. Toad got replaced with Pooh. And, yes, ToT became Guardians. Taking the social reasoning out of the conversation, there is plenty of precedent for Disney doing exactly this.

I understand why people are upset that they’re losing specific songs because, really, that’s the biggest specific loss. But so many people are excited about the PatF music featuring in a ride, any ride, and it’ll work here. The drops aren’t changing. The layout isn’t changing. They’re adding some humans and changing the music.

Will fans perspective of the park change? Only those with specific, personal memories. But in a year, thousands will have their own personal connections to the PatF version. In five years? It’ll become a tiresome meme in theme park circles like Jaws and Mr. Toad.
Anyone else notice the concept art features the 2 person ride vehicles for WDW? Wonder if they’re updating DL’s to increase capacity.

It’ll become a tiresome meme in theme park circles like Jaws and Mr. Toad.
Hey you! Leave poor old Bruce out of this! Go tell the millions of kids getting their picture taken with the shark at USF and wearing Shark merch that Jaws is “tiresome”. :eek:O:
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I disagree with your last point. This isn’t going to alter the tone, purpose, or crowd flow of the park on any practical level. It’s replacing the outdated (on multiple levels) property of a ride with a more current and recognizable one. If anything, it improves the overall escapism of the park by aligning the IP with something more relevant. Swiss Family Robinsons Treehouses became Tarzan’s Treehouse. Jack Sparrow got added to Pirates. Mr. Toad got replaced with Pooh. And, yes, ToT became Guardians. Taking the social reasoning out of the conversation, there is plenty of precedent for Disney doing exactly this.

I understand why people are upset that they’re losing specific songs because, really, that’s the biggest specific loss. But so many people are excited about the PatF music featuring in a ride, any ride, and it’ll work here. The drops aren’t changing. The layout isn’t changing. They’re adding some humans and changing the music.

Will fans perspective of the park change? Only those with specific, personal memories. But in a year, thousands will have their own personal connections to the PatF version. In five years? It’ll become a tiresome meme in theme park circles like Jaws and Mr. Toad.
As long as the end product ends up being of the same caliber as Splash (or so), I have no problem with this change. I actually like it because i've made my memories with this ride. It's a fun ride - and that RIDE will still be there, just the theme around it changing, which I think is sort of a fun change of pace for a stale park. This is sort of the attitude I had with GMR closing. I had made my memories and now it's time for something new.
Hey you! Leave poor old Bruce out of this! Go tell the millions of kids getting their picture taken with the shark at USF and wearing Shark merch that Jaws is “tiresome”. :eek:O:
Do I need to count how many people have asked about bringing a Jaws or BttF attractions back in the last couple of months?
Real talk, knowing how hot the launches get and with the black track and the Florida sun/heat

Is this thing gonna overheat a ton?
I disagree with your last point. This isn’t going to alter the tone, purpose, or crowd flow of the park on any practical level. It’s replacing the outdated (on multiple levels) property of a ride with a more current and recognizable one. If anything, it improves the overall escapism of the park by aligning the IP with something more relevant. Swiss Family Robinsons Treehouses became Tarzan’s Treehouse. Jack Sparrow got added to Pirates. Mr. Toad got replaced with Pooh. And, yes, ToT became Guardians. Taking the social reasoning out of the conversation, there is plenty of precedent for Disney doing exactly this.

I understand why people are upset that they’re losing specific songs because, really, that’s the biggest specific loss. But so many people are excited about the PatF music featuring in a ride, any ride, and it’ll work here. The drops aren’t changing. The layout isn’t changing. They’re adding some humans and changing the music.

Will fans perspective of the park change? Only those with specific, personal memories. But in a year, thousands will have their own personal connections to the PatF version. In five years? It’ll become a tiresome meme in theme park circles like Jaws and Mr. Toad.

You have a point about the park vibe, as I’d argue that Tron will help fill a void that Splash absorbed for 25 years, which is a big thrill. People ride splash for the drop and I don’t think the retheme will change guests intentions to ride it.
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Question: if they DID make a Tiana’s palace, do you guys think they’d be willing to break the “park princesses can’t sing” rule to have Tiana preform live?
I would love just another place to sit down and hear live music as I eat...also I love Hungry Bears Location but the food sucks. I would be very welcome for more food options there.

I know many are bummed but if we do end up getting one less "land" but more New Orleans and the ride is an upgraded version of Splash Tech Wise then its a win win.
Once again Splash is my favorite ride but I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be seeing it go, maybe I'm just assuming Disney is will have to make this ride a Real E-ticket again because soooo much media will be covering this that if it's anything but amazing they are going to get crap from all sides.
I shared my initial thoughts on the ride, but here are my more thorough, articulate thoughts on this change:

As I have mentioned, I'm very disappointed Disney is apparently changing a classic ride based on reaction after thirty years of operation. I heard they have been working on it for a year, but I don't buy that. I don't think they're going down a good path here by changing an iconic ride. I understand people have issues with the source material (and respect that opinion), but if that's the reasoning, you will find fault in virtually everything if you look deep enough. I fear the future of Disney after this will be more unwanted overlays....but that's all I will say on that matter.

While I disagree with why they're doing this, I will be brutally honest and say that I don't hate the concept art. I think the ride could be good. In fact, I think it could be better! I remember when the Guardians overlay was announced for ToT, I initially hated the concept with a burning passion. The exterior looked ugly as sin after they went through all of that trouble to redress the area to fit around ToT. It seemed like a huge step backwards. But to my surprise, not only did they make the overlay work, but it's probably my favorite ride at DCA now. Well, maybe a close second behind RSR. At least with here, the theme will already work with the existing setting. It won't be blatantly out-of-theme like Guardians was for the time. But if they insist on this change, I really hope they at least keep the name "Splash Mountain". I refuse to call it anything else. If there must be a change in the title, keep the original name and add a subtitle.

The ride could be great, but another reason I really don't want this because there's no guarantee this ride will be good. DL's could benefit the most as the ride over here in SoCal is just in rough shape operationally; in that sense it could use it even though I don't agree with the decision. But for all we know they could budget cut this to oblivion with only two AAs and mostly screens. If this ride takes place after the Princess and the Frog, sorry to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but that would mean that Dr Facilier would be out of the picture (Presumably). If that is true, that makes me want to hate this overlay. Why even bother changing the ride if you won't even use the new material to its fullest potential? If you're going to do something as drastic as changing Splash Mountain completely, go all-out on this thing! Maximize every environment, scene, and potential in story for the ride! Spare no expense! I'm concerned they may cheap out given the whole situation going on right now.

Finally, if Disney wants to do this overlay to say that they are promoting diversity and renouncing racism, I don't buy that at all. They literally made Fynn unnoticeable in the Chinese poster for the Force Awakens to appeal to the Chinese market. I see Disney reacting here out of hypocrisy. I still think Disney will always promote diversity and renounce racism....unless being less diverse and slightly racist makes them money as seen with TFA poster.
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I have a problem with your response because he/she said that they *would* they didn't *deem* anything ruined. People are allowed to be skeptical about stuff like this. Splash Mtn isn't Maelstrom, its one of the BIG THREE at the two most visited theme parks in the world. I empathize with this member's hesitation because this is not only a big change for the ride, but a big change for the park.

Like I mentioned in my post you’ve taken issue with, I could’ve misunderstood that users comments (and, maybe calling it “ruined” was read wrong too) and I apologize for that. I agree people are allowed to be skeptical, I never said they couldn’t be. It’s the kind of knee jerk reactions (i.e. maybe thinking that it could be “ruined” after only seeing one piece of concept art), the type of awful nonsense from Magic, that I take issue with and I am hoping to not see much of here-and, luckily, we haven’t.

It’s just a ride. One we’ve all at some point in time spent more time waiting in line for than actually on. It’s changing thematically for the better, but as pointed out by @Legacy and @Nick, it’s not changing as enormously as you think it is. Maybe it ends up being amazing for some people, and for other’s it could miss the mark-and there’s probably people who’ve never ridden Splash Mountain and after going on that could feel the same way. All of that is ok, so is skepticism, what’s not ok (IMO) are the unhinged reactions to this change.

I’m sorry you’re finding my response to this wrong, I hope that clarified things a little!
I fully support this change. I think with the new IP and it's music combined with brand new modern tech, they can come up with something cool.

I would also be ok with removing the headhunters/savages from Jungle Cruise and the Native Americans in PPF. Although I'm not sure what to do with The 7 Little Persons' Mine Train.

Anyway, They could turn Golden Horseshoe into Tiana's Place. A full on Dinner Show with Tiana singing with a live jazz band. Priced similar to Hoop De Doo and Luau. Country Bears becomes Louis' Jazz Club and is a brand new AA Musical Review with Special Guest Star Big Al. Pecos Bills becomes French Quarter Cafe with gumbo, jambalaya, muffalettas, etc. And Golden Oak Outpost becomes Charlotte's Patisserie serving Tiana's Beignets, Banana Fosters Cream Puffs, and "Big Daddy's Coffee" (Chicory Coffee with Bourbon and Whipped Cream).
Supposedly this project has gotten a bit of a "Fastpass." I've heard things as crazy as having it open before TRON (which I admittedly doubt). I'd probably expect to see it close either later this year or early next.

Maybe they're being given enough on both coasts, for a quick turnaround on the scale of Mission Breakout? The only thing's seemingly being done with the mountain is repainting, and the tree. The rest, should be with the queue, the outdoor loading (which I could honestly see converted fully into an indoor space for that), and the inside of the attraction itself.
This is a civilized forum so that’s why I like to post my theme park thoughts here as opposed to Twitter. I’m seeing people react negatively to this only to be called out as a racist, a bigot, a MAGA. That’s just unfair. I laid out the reasons why the ride is special to me. It’s possible to love the ride AND understand the source material is racist.
It’s simply people wielding their moral authority over someone else.

The last thing we need is a bunch of white dudes talking about this even more than we have.
259 comments in, so the irony of this statement is comical now.