Let me just say...hearing Zipadeedoodah At the end of the ride is my favorite part of every MK visit.
I love Princess and the Frog, and I usually welcome re-themes. If they have the new animatronics on the river boat singing it at the end of the new ride, I’m all in. But short of that, I’m disappointed.
I know it’s a minor grievance, but that’s also the thing about MK. Look at Pirates, Thunder, Space, Haunted Mansion....all iconic attractions that the park might make enhancements to, but never actually change. That’s because they’re historic to guests....
This isn’t just another re-theme for Disney, if Splash was based on a different IP, this would not be getting any changes (which I know is stating the obvious). I’m just saying comparing Test Track, Maelstrom or even DCA’s Tower of Terror to this is not a fair 1:1 ratio.
I know Princess and the Frog makes the most sense for the ride’s themes, but it’s far from an iconic Disney film. Compare that to Guardians for ToT or Frozen for Maelstrom....you can understand the change on those strictly because of the billions of dollars those films drove in and their given popularity.