Transformers: Age of Extinction | Inside Universal Forums

Transformers: Age of Extinction

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Sep 22, 2009
Leesberg, FL
The first full trailer has just hit the web


It looks pretty different from the first 3 films, and already has me psyched. Pay close attention to the Remember Chicago billboard. You'll want to call the number that's on there!

Anyways, can't wait till this film is released. What are your thoughts?
I honestly don't think it will be that good. A solid action summer flick, but we'll likely end up with too much human screen time and a ton of pointless explosions like the first 3 movies. Hell, Grimlock's head friggin' explodes after Optimus attacks him in this trailer. I'll see it and probably enjoy myself, but it will be a typical Michael Bay pointless popcorn flick.
I go into Transformers with the same trepidation I use with Sonic the Hedgehog. All the hype looks great, always and then the product is released. That being said, this looks like a different breed of Transformers and Mark Whalberg is a great actor, who typically reads his scripts and within the past few years has really started being in better movies.
I thought 1 was good. But two killed the series for me. I felt as if 3 was "what two should have been" and it was good... but after 2 the third was just soured.
Transformers: Age of Extinction is a sloppy mish mash of subplots and scenes from other films that make it feel very different from the original trilogy. I really wanted to love this film, but I couldn't. I left the theater thinking it was just alright. The trailers promise a darker and grittier look at the Transformers universe and it delivers just that; but then it gets ruined with an overdose of comic relief and some situational humor that gets stale and feels like only Shia LeBouf could pull off and still remain funny. The robots themselves get more screen time than past entries, but the human characters are still the focus of it. Mark Whalberg gives a terrific and believable performance as Cade Yaeger while his daughter Tessa played by Nicola Peltz and her boyfriend Shane (Jack Raynor) play useless victims with idiotic dialogue... At least Sam's girlfriends had the guts to help him in his fights. Every other human character is written well and share equal energy and passion for the film they were making.
Optimus is shown in a different light as he struggles making moral decisions on whether or not to leave the humans alone or killing the humans who have hunted down his Autobot comrades. You see him upset and that leads into quite an entertaining segment. The story however suffers the same as The Amazing Spider-Man 2's did, containing too many villains and subplots in order to set up for future installments, instead of focusing on this movie. All that exposition brings the movie to clock in at 2 hours and 46 minutes which when being watched, feels a whole lot longer than that due to pacing issues. The action is alright, but not as spectacular as the original trilogy. Dark of the Moon really raised the bar and unfortunately Age of Extinction could not come anywhere close to it.
The trailer for the film was misleading on the amount of screen time the Dinobots would have, in the trailer they appeared to be pretty important to the story... Nope. They're lucky if they had 15 minutes in the whole thing, but when they come on screen, they're glorious!
If you're going to see this in 3D, I beg of you, see it in IMAX 3D. You're eyes will be thanking you later because you'll be spared a headache from the muddy and blurry colors of the so-so regular 3D. Sometimes the CGI looks so good that it looks realistic... Then sometimes it looks campy and unrealistic (I'm not going to spoil who, but you'll agree with me once you see it.)

All in all, this is definitely a departure from the formula of the original trilogy and will need some serious tweaking before a fifth film should be started. I love Transformers, don't get me wrong, in fact, it was the first Michael Bay Transformers movie back in 2007 that got me into the robots in disguise (which I know some of you Transformers G1 purists probably just took a spit-take upon reading that,) but because of that movie, I watched the original cartoons and read the comic books. They just need to fix some major things before the next installment

That's why I'm giving TRANSFORMERS: Age of Extinction a 7/10
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one thing has remained constant with Mr. Bay, he still loves him some good explosions, and he still doesn't know when to say CUT! The only real problem with Transformers: Age of Extinction is it's 2 hour 45 minute running time, which consists mainly of things going BA-BOOM!!!! If you love explosions, this is most definitely your film. I've got to hand it to Bay, while the film is WAY TOO LONG, it takes a special kind of crazy to decide your going to make an almost 3 hour epic consisting of pretty explosions and crazy action. The inner ten year old in me was quite happy, but my 23 year old adult self was super exhausted by the time the end credits rolled.

I can confidently say that Transformers: Age of Extinction is easily the event film of the summer. A nearly 3 hour film that is nothing but explosions and robots fighting deserves that title. The film definitely delivers, but maybe to too great a degree (TRAITOR!!! Yells my ten year old self). There's only so many explosions the human mind can handle before it starts to feel action fatigue. That said, this latest installment is still a major step up from Revenge of The Fallen and Dark of The Moon. The human characters are likable, it's not as jokey or goofy, the plot is cool (though there is too much of it) and there is a certain amount of surreal entertainment to be had listening to John Goodman's voice come from a robot.

All in all, Transformers: Age of Extinction is a fairly harmless film that ranks in as the second best Transformers film to date. It will probably kill some of your brain cells, but this is Michael Bay people, so that is to be expected.

Agree with most that say it was too long. Was mentally drained by the time it was over. It definitely wasn't bad though. But I definitely liked the first 3 more, mostly because of the human characters. I'll take Wahlberg over Shia any day of the week, but as far as the rest go, give me the older cast. Especially Josh Duhamel and Tyrese's characters. Over the course of the 3 movies you care about those characters and hope they make it. And even though he was comic relief, John Turturro was good too.
Truthfully I enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would. Went in with low expectations, just looking for a fun summer movie, and that's what I got.

The first hour was probably my favorite part. Enjoyed the story. I love origin stories in movies and this was basically a new origin story within a series. Wahlberg was better than Shia LeBouf has ever been.

and Dinobots. So there's that.

The blu-ray will have a limited edition that comes with a statue of Optimus riding Grimlock. So awesome.

Beyond the obvious green screens in parts of the movie and the typical Michael bay lack of concealing product placement... It wasn't terrible. I felt some plot points were unnecessary and could've been saved for the next movie though.