I'm offended for PsychoScareapy by you even implying this is the same. The original house was a generic asylum house in 2003 that had an amazing cast & the infamous

As for the 2007 house. They weren't "convicts" or "slashers", they were just insane. They crashed the van in the nearby Shadybrook neighborhood & wreaked holiday havoc. They weren't criminals/killers, just psychotically deranged.
...ah this explains a lot. I'm going to take a stab & guess you've missed out on all of Scareapy's iterations?
Home for the Holidays was unique. It wasn't the best ( hard sell after 2006's version), but it was more "fun" than scary. Always felt it should've been the NY SZ instead of a house (which ironically happened but with a Halloween/Harvest festival theme)
As for Triplets of Terror... its an underwhelming concept. They should've saved Monstrous for Friday to act as a palette cleanser