Having watched
@ProjectUniversalUK latest very excellent video I was struck by how much work has gone on in the field that will be the Western Gateway Zone, essentially the same as the Core Zone and the Lake Zone. Extensive archeological trenches across the entire field and now boreholes being drilled in at least a couple of locations, all in a field which is actively being farmed. This struck me as a bit odd if Universal haven't bought this land, only have a future option on it. Undoubtedly that field will have to be developed with a major slip road from the A421 otherwise the road infrastructure around the theme park will be utterly inadequate, plus whatever else is required in terms of a new railway station, transport hub, etc; and whatever Universal might have in mind for their Phase 2 developments. I don't understand how that work is being undertaken if Universal don't already own it, and why Universal would risk not having control of that land given how critical it is to the entire project.