I'm sure by coincidence, but 20 March is also the date for the next meeting of Bedford Council's "Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee". No idea what's on the agenda but this was the Committee that received the very informative update from the planning consultant, Sam Fox, in autumn last year on the current state of play back then.
I remember seeing that video, and thinking yes I see the deep level of covertness involved here. He mentioned the “period of quiet”. I’m calling that POQ.
I didn’t want to believe the idea, but since Universal’s important people said we’ll find out by the end of the year, and it’s now nearly March the following year with no news from them, that I’m thinking it may be the end of 2025.
Epic Universe is huge, Parkstop rumbled them on the GB park, surely their focus has to be on on Epic opening well in terms of customer satisfaction.
Just imagine if Epic had all sorts of unexpected issues, social media will go to town on them and the negative UK press will lap it up for views and ads.
Perhaps a possible GB park and Epic opening are completely not connected in most senses, but success for the brand in this new theme park in Orlando after 25 years must be well.. Paramount lol.
I definitely saw some post that early Epic days was clearing land slowly and delivering things, way before an announcement. Maybe we are just seeing that now and only hindsight will confirm it.
That’s all I have to say about that.