Proof? Of course not. Well educated guesses/informed opinions, yes. Mine is that approval for such a project would likely be fairly easy, despite dealing with both City and County jurisdiction (the current resort plus WnW is in the City, the south resort area is in unincorporated Orange County). It would be made even easier if a "publicly accessible" stop is a part of the package at the WnW plot. The only reason the I-Drive District would be opposed to such a possibility is the impact it could have on their I-Drive Trolley, but I think that can be shown to be minimal, as their Universal stop isn't exactly convenient to the resort, and I doubt it really draws convention attendees as riders. The upside to an elevated transit system is enormous, in terms of how it would affect traffic in the District. Instead of having guests driving to and from the two resort areas putting yet more traffic onto the area roads, or even Universal putting busses on the road, it keeps the roads clearer outside of the peak arrival and departure times (and on Universal Blvd that is huge, as Lockheed emptying at 5pm on weekdays does bad things to the growing traffic in that area). Also, any elevated transit wouldn't be interacting with I-Drive at all, outside of crossing it at the intersection of Universal Blvd. The most likely routes are following Universal Blvd. all the way, or (and my preferred route) cutting across after WnW to Kirkman and down past Lockheed.