Universal's Epic Universe Construction Thread | Page 180 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal's Epic Universe Construction Thread

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It's very strange seeing the flat parking lot for this park since we're all used to the massive garages. That walk from the far back will be painful. Do we have any idea how many spots there are and in comparison to the main lots? Granted there's a need for parking in consideration for Citywalk and the three parks, so obviously a lot more.
The original park started the same way— and I kind of think when you look at the plaza they’re building at the park entrance you can envision a second park entrance being built off of the current entrance:

Picture that circle as the center of the plaza, with a second park entrance mirroring the Epic entrance. The curved structure of the security area simply being mirrored in a matching structure. It would then form a perfect half-circle with ticketing in the center.
The flat lot will probably be replaced by a parking garage, that takes up way less space, in the future, when they develop that area with entertainment or another park of some sort.
I'm pretty sure the almost perfect rectangle of land between Epic Blvd. and the canal where they are staging materials is the future parking garage site:
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Obviously, but this illusion doesn't work lol

I visit the park's frequently, so it's not like I'm just seeing the parks from aerial images solely. I have no recent photos myself, but was able to find one from February on Twitter. Very easy to see both the drop building and the utilities building. And this is before they "shed" the parks prior to hurricane season.

(you can tell this is recent, as the netting was not there opening day)
View attachment 22231

The trees have grown in, but that building is massive.
I rode Hagrid’s a bunch last year and never noticed any buildings. The theming was awesome and immersive.

I guess there will always be people who look for any possible complaint.