It's going to be nice not baking in the sun!
Love the ivy being painted on the BoM ride facade. Really cool to see how large the buildings are when someone's standing in it.
On the subject of model vs reality I wish the roofs here were more like frosted glass. Kinda feels like it's heavy on the green color. I wonder if they're still planning on putting trees in the center of the doughnut holes?
The shiny orbs near the coaster are cool. Interesting observation from Bio here. No idea if there's a way to fix that because the track is going to look rough there by the end of the the year since it looks like the rest of the paint isn't wearing down the same way. I think this means that we're going to feel some positive Gs in this spot.
There was concern sometime ago about the black tarps put around the werewolf coaster and it looks like they were temporary. New themed nets are going in! Looks great!
It looks like there might be a lot of vehicular traffic through this backstage area? I noticed the painted area the looks like it's meant to tell people to walk on that section of the road. It doesn't look like it shows up in other areas, or at least that I found at the moment.
Sight lines and back of house stuff, HTTYD is going to be rough in places.
I think some of those trees will get to be quite tall, just needs time. I agree there are a few spots that won't be perfect though.
Look at the pictures in the tweets I quoted.
Large windows facing into the extended queue area, and much more theming on the covered section of that extended queue connecting to the facade.
It could be in a few years that it's not used as much and as great as it would be to have that detail, it'll be a waste if a majority of visitors never see it.
I hope the show building gets painted up though! It would feel incomplete if it's left like that.