That’s a very good point. For some reason, Disney has shied away from duplicating locations from their films directly - Pandora doesn’t take place anywhere near the famous “home tree” nor does Galaxy’s Edge give you a chance to step into any really classic locations (except from the Falcon for a hot minute - even the Star Destroyer is far from iconic). Perhaps that is in order to have more creative control on the land and explain away any bumps in terms of theme park operations. It’ll be interesting to see the critical reception for Tokyo’s BatB land, HK’s Frozen Land, etc, as Disney makes the turn towards directly copying iconic locations from films that might not have as much world-building as the HP films.
On a similar note, has anyone done the Singapore park with the fully immersive IP-based lands (Far Far Away, Madagascar, etc), and if so, does it reach Potter levels? The only concept where I feel like the recreated IP lands have really worked is IoA, and even so, Toon Lagoon/Seuss/Super Hero Island err more on classic amalgams of properties.