Something worth talking about IMO is the possible timeframe for the expansion pads. You have the one between Nintendo and Monsters (currently rumored to be Waterworld per Alicia in a podcast), and of course the 20-acre one on the right probably for LotR.
- 2025 - EU opens.
- 2026 - ???
- 2027 - Zelda at IoA?
- 2028 - ??? (Simpsons may be closing this year)
I could see 2026 for Waterworld (they've built it 3 times, can't imagine it would take too long for them to build a 4th), then 2028 for LotR, will help suck away some of the big IoA crowds (Zelda) and lessen USF's crowds (just lost an entire area with a good capacity attraction). Then again, maybe two years in a row of a big fantasy IP land is too much.