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Universal's Epic Universe Wish List & Speculation

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The rumor I am hearing is that the ride system (coaster based shooter) that was patented and rumored earlier to be the MoM/Auror Office attraction is now a ride through Paris catching all of Newt's escaped Fantastic Beasts.

So we're finally getting a good shooting dark ride at Universal? :bolt:

Also, this sounds like Wonder Mountain Guardian at Canada's Wonderland:

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If this chasing Newt’s beasts around Paris is true instead of his case... maybe we can still go inside his suitcase in the queue. We all go inside, get to meet our Beasts, then leave the briefcase. However, we let most of the Beasts out as well. Makes the guests a little bit more a part of the experience and the “something goes wrong” portion happens pre show and we still get inside his case. Just an idea.
Speaking of Pokémon, which area from it do you expect the land to be if they end up doing it?
It’s got to be best of Kanto

Knowing the odds, I'd assume either a location from Kanto (like Cerulean City), or they go Batuu'ing Pokemon, with a new region created for the land; with those from The Pokemon Company closely working with Universal Creative
seeing as though Universal just got free market research—watching feedback on a “new/unrecognizable land” .... seems highly unlikely Universal would dare to do this anytime in the foreseeable future. ESPECIALLY, with an IP that demands recognizable landmarks. If it’s an original concept, of course it won’t be recognizable but utilizing an IP such as Pokémon and going “Batuu’ing” seems like universal would be playing with fire instead of capitalizing on an easy IP win.
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I think a preview center for EU would be great but the way Universal protects that project I don't think it is realistic. Maybe a tikibar somewhere would be a nice addition?
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I think a preview center for EU would be great but they way Universal protects that project I don't think it is realistic. Maybe a tikibar somewhere would be a nice addition?
A preview center obviously wouldn’t be for a few years until they’ve released all info surrounding the park.
I understand this has been asked before, and it may be difficult to answer until the final product is given, but from what insiders know, how accurate do we think this concept art overall is going to be? Judging Universal Beijing's announcement to the actual concept art its almost entirely different. Now, I'm not expecting that for Epic Universe, but I honestly haven't followed these type of announcements long enough to really have a clue. I was just shocked how not accurate the original Beijing concept art was in general. I understand that plans can change too, of course.
It’s got to be best of Kanto

seeing as though Universal just got free market research—watching feedback on a “new/unrecognizable land” .... seems highly unlikely Universal would dare to do this anytime in the foreseeable future. ESPECIALLY, with an IP that demands recognizable landmarks. If it’s an original concept, of course it won’t be recognizable but utilizing an IP such as Pokémon and going “Batuu’ing” seems like universal would be playing with fire instead of capitalizing on an easy IP win.

Pokémon doesn't really have iconic locales, though. Everyone can name their favorite Pokémon, but ask them to name their favorite Pokémon town and I think most people would be hard pressed to answer, if they can name any of them at all. Most of the locations blur together from reused tilesets anyways, and when you take into account the many different mediums people are fans of the franchise through, it divides the audience even further.

I think as long as the land features many Pokémon, a Pokémon center, and maybe a Gym, it'll have all the iconic elements people are looking for.
As someone who isn't blown back by SWGE because of Batuu, I'm hoping for a familiar location. Its just my personal taste. Universal seems to really want to be connecting fans through a single IP story, and that connection begins with characters, then location. Unless we're getting an absolute swarm of Pokemon around the area Im hoping for, then give me Celadon City. Idk how they'd do it or recreate but thats why I do not work for Universal Creative lol. Just my taste
Pokémon doesn't really have iconic locales, though. Everyone can name their favorite Pokémon, but ask them to name their favorite Pokémon town and I think most people would be hard pressed to answer, if they can name any of them at all. Most of the locations blur together from reused tilesets anyways, and when you take into account the many different mediums people are fans of the franchise through, it divides the audience even further.

I think as long as the land features many Pokémon, a Pokémon center, and maybe a Gym, it'll have all the iconic elements people are looking for.

this was mainly what I was getting at. Gyms, a pokecenter, definitely a Mart and perhaps a Gen 1 gym leader or the entire Pokémon league.

your point that fans are divided by medium is super interesting but I think not having at least one area / nod to Pallet is a mistake. By ya, I agree to an extent not necessarily an immediately recognizable city, I was more so just saying how much of a mistake it would be to not utilize familiar elements from Kanto including iconic gen 1 characters. Perhaps Gary or Giovanni come to mind as people who could hold their own in this land with a gym (even though Gary didn’t have one in gen 1 games)

Also, while universal is on the kick of building lands vertically, you also have to think that the Celadon Department store could prove intriguing. Merch galore and recognizable location.
Why put it in CityWalk and attract people who are already visiting when you could put it in... oh... the Orlando Airport that sees 44+ million guests a year.

I think a good banner or billboard will do the same job in the airport.

The people in the parks/Citywalk are the ones you want to target because they've proved that they're already prepared to visit.
I think a good banner or billboard will do the same job in the airport.

The people in the parks/Citywalk are the ones you want to target because they've proved that they're already prepared to visit.
Exactly, you want that repeat business. What better reason to plan a new vacation as soon as you get back home than knowing that there's a new park being built? Or better yet, have a vacation booking desk INSIDE of the preview center.
Y’all are acting like the media presentation of Star Wars and Pokémon are the same. Whereas Star Wars is full of lived-in planets, each featuring distinctive story beats and visuals for fans to cling to, Pokémon is a wash-rinse-repeat structure across countless games where the narrative is of little consequence to the mechanics. The only “known” Pokémon location that actually matters anymore is Ryme City, because it has displayed visuals beyond a tile-based, top-town land.

If the land mattered in Pokémon, they wouldn’t change the land in every game. As long as it has a Pokemart and Gym, people won’t care.
Y’all are acting like the media presentation of Star Wars and Pokémon are the same. Whereas Star Wars is full of lived-in planets, each featuring distinctive story beats and visuals for fans to cling to, Pokémon is a wash-rinse-repeat structure across countless games where the narrative is of little consequence to the mechanics. The only “known” Pokémon location that actually matters anymore is Ryme City, because it has displayed visuals beyond a tile-based, top-town land.

If the land mattered in Pokémon, they wouldn’t change the land in every game. As long as it has a Pokemart and Gym, people won’t care.
I agree that Pokemon and Star Wars are different 100%. I do think its part of the reason SWGE is struggling so much, people only recognize the Falcon. As you said with Pokemon, if you aren't a hardcore gamer, can anyone name 5 lands/cities from Pokemon?
I agree that Pokemon and Star Wars are different 100%. I do think its part of the reason SWGE is struggling so much, people only recognize the Falcon. As you said with Pokemon, if you aren't a hardcore gamer, can anyone name 5 lands/cities from Pokemon?
I’m a casual gamer that played the hell out of Red when it was released. The only town I can name off the top of my head is Pallet Town—intentionally the most boring location in the game.
I’m a casual gamer that played the hell out of Red when it was released. The only town I can name off the top of my head is Pallet Town—intentionally the most boring location in the game.
Right, which is fair. I still agree the locations of Star Wars and Pokemon aren't the same in the public eye, but I still think having a recognizable location is huge. Just adds to the cohesiveness and continuity of the brand. I also think Ryme City would be so perfect for USF or EU anyways. Thats just me but I feel Ryme City is pretty much the original type land you would create anyways. But who knows, hopefully SNW kills it in Osaka so we can explore all these possibilities someday.
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