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USF Project?

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Well, it turns out that some of you people are really really smart. M of M is coming right to the location you've been thinking. From what was vaguely said to me, it sounds like stuff will begin in the next 3 to 6 months.

You are also correct that over at IOA, the theme will in fact be the FF.

Whole bunches of things happening!

Rip Tear Kill

Still wondering what Ministry's ride system will be though
Well, it turns out that some of you people are really really smart. M of M is coming right to the location you've been thinking. From what was vaguely said to me, it sounds like stuff will begin in the next 3 to 6 months.

You are also correct that over at IOA, the theme will in fact be the FF.

Whole bunches of things happening!
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Haven't been following the message boards for about the past week and a half since we've been dealing with Irma down here in South Florida so forgive me if I'm being repetitive. A few questions...

Is the rumored closure of T2 the cause behind this thread really blowing up?
Has there been any new developments regarding the future of Fear Factor Live?
Well, it turns out that some of you people are really really smart. M of M is coming right to the location you've been thinking. From what was vaguely said to me, it sounds like stuff will begin in the next 3 to 6 months.

You are also correct that over at IOA, the theme will in fact be the FF.

Whole bunches of things happening!

It's all part of the "Bookend SW:GE" strategy, which basically "doubled" after D23.

MoM was fast tracked to give a "Double Whammy of Potter" to the 2019ish "before SW:GE" end of the Bookend. I believe there is an ongoing discussion in another thread about how the "Whammy of Nintendo" for the "after SW:GE" end of the Bookend got the same treatment. ;)
Fear Factor Live=Ministry of Magic.

For Bond to be around London, it would have to go where MiB is.

So "Bourne in Hollywood" since Bond makes no sense there anyway.

Exactly, that's been my thoughts on this for ages. MofM looks like coming good, although that has been obvious for years, now just need stage two of my plan. Sorry MiB fans.
I knew my post above sounded familiar. I wasn't sure if I had posted it here or over at MAGIC. But here is a post of mine from this thread from Aug. 15th.

Yes, that is impending.

Uni is coming at SW:GE with a Potter Double Whammy up front and Nintendo at the rear. Back in college we used to call that a good ol' fashioned "spit roasting".
So with T2 replacement, MoM, and Nintendo definitely happening... I'm not yet convinced that SLoP is replacing Shrek. I could be wrong but it almost seems like biting off more than they can chew.
I'll be amazed if they can get MOM up and running by 2019...but stranger things have happened
Yeah... if work starts in 3-ish months, than they only have 1.5 years if they want it open in summer. Unless the DC replacement opens in summer 2019 and MoM in winter 2019 which would be... weird.
I'll be amazed if they can get MOM up and running by 2019...but stranger things have happened
MoM, like Transformers, doesn't really have a timeline as much as an "as fast as they can build it" kinda thing. But the goal is "Pre Grand Opening of SW:GE" for both Potter projects.

Remember that 24 hrs of drama last month when Woodbury actually told Aiello that UC was taking the theater and B&T would NOT be happening this year. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. And we all see how that turned out. 3 months lost there.
So with T2 replacement, MoM, and Nintendo definitely happening... I'm not yet convinced that SLoP is replacing Shrek. I could be wrong but it almost seems like biting off more than they can chew.

IMO, D23 woke them up. Not that Uni was coasting necessarily, but they were definitely lean on pre-Nintendo additions. Seems like they turned up the heat.

MoM, like Transformers, doesn't really have a timeline as much as an "as fast as they can build it" kinda thing. But the goal is "Pre Grand Opening of SW:GE" for both Potter projects.

Makes sense. Here's to hoping they make it a modern version of Haunted Mansion like it should be (IMO)
All excellent stuff. And DH it sounds like you had it right all along. I'm the type that dares not trust to hope so I wait rather than dreaming.

So, JS had it right, the question now is what could M of M possibly be for an attraction.? Will the great statue be the golden wizard and elf or the crushing Muggles? Which direction will they go and which would you rather see? Will we arrive via a fireplace or through a toilet or through a telephone booth as a guest?

The only real ride that I can think of would be the elevators. Anything else might seem a stretch. But of course it is theme park.

The good news for UC is that I don't have any more information than what I've provided. :)
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Oh, can someone explain to me what this this Ministry of Magic rumor is about? All I know is that it's supposed to replace Fear Factor. Is it a ride, a show, what? This is the first time I've heard about this.
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