The idea isn't bad in theory. Had the numbers met pro-slides theoretical capacity, it would be much better received. It's not the executive's fault entirely.
The design also failed in it's execution of Tapu Tapu. There should've been an interactive shooting area similar to Jurassic Park's area for adults and teens to run around and shoot people with water guns. They needed more activity things to do, and fell short there as well.
As mediocre as it would be, an interactive area w/ a 4 body slide "non-tapu" tower is really all they need to get their capacity to what they originally wanted. If they can throw in a Mammoth, that'd be great too. Although preferably, they have an interactive ride similar to Yas that can interact with the people below who have guns, etc.
It's an all or nothing situation though. If half the rides weren't tapu tapu, then that 2 hr Krakatau would end up being 4 hrs. It'd be asinine.