Got a ride in yesterday. Entered queue at 3:15 with a 120 posted wait, off the ride at 4:18. They were really cranking them out, and the pre-show was in B-mode with Hagrid's doggo just wandering around on screen, and them just passing people through the room. Thankfully the ride wasn't in Bee Mode. All of the typical omissions others have noted still exist, no blast from the skrewt, 2/3s of Fluffy is in operation, etc. The mist in the dip down to the spike was also functioning for the first time since opening day for me.
I did have one observation that irks me: waiting until the last room to pull people for seat tests is an absolutely egregious choice. Having people wait an hour plus just to be told they can't fit is about as terrible as it can get in terms of a guest experience. I personally do not get a solid green light on the outside test seats but I have no issues fitting in either seat, and I watched them turn away a man not much bigger than I, who almost certainly would've fit. There's gotta be a better way.