Currently playing:
Child of Eden. It's very artsy fartsy and
very Japanese.
Yeah like this
And this
Um. . . .
. . .
wat. . . .
Fine. Just put a Japanese girl in your game. . . .
Okay. I know you're probably creeped out now, but I swear this game is actually pretty awesome. It's certainly different, but it's a ton of fun. It's made from the same dude who created Rez, if you're familiar with that game. It's actually a first-person shooter. Really. I'm serious.
Fellow Kinect owners, this is one of the best games for it. Actually, the sensor isn't even required. If you want to use a controller, you can do just that. I will say, though, this is the most accurate Kinect game I've played so far. Very precise. Very responsive. It's made me rethink what a Kinect game can be, and I can honestly say I prefer waving my arms around, rather than using the controller.
However it didn't make me feel like the guy in the trailer
My hands didn't glow and I
wasn't transported to a fantasy aquarium. Bunch of liars. . . .