When was the Golden Age of USH? | Inside Universal Forums

When was the Golden Age of USH?

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Feb 17, 2014
Disneyland and Knott's have both had a golden age at one point in their illustrious histories. What would you say way the Golden Age of USH? Or would you say that with the addition of Harry Potter, now is it's golden age.
Interesting question! I think it's fair to say we're in Universal's second golden age starting with Transformers, but their first golden age probably started with Earthquake and ended with Terminator 2:3D being the last major Universal attraction for over a decade. During that period, the park opened Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, E.T., and WaterWorld - many of which are still with the park today drawing fairly decent crowds.
I'd say it was from 1993-2001.

Universal really made a name for itself and showed that they could do as well if not better than Disney. Back to the Future was a marvel of it's time and only 3 years later they did it again with Jurassic Park.

I don't personally think we're heading for a second golden age because of all of the hodge-podge in the parks. There's no clear focus on what they want to be but instead tossing in hot properties regardless of theme or lasting appeal. 

Harry Potter is/will be another Universal marvel, but the rest of the park is misguided and doesn't have much value.

Just my thoughts.
I think the first Golden Age started in 1986 with the original Kong animation on the tour. What followed was Earthquake, ET, BTTF, Jurassic Park, and T23D. So late 80s - Late 90s was USH's first golden age in my eyes, and will always be my favorite period in USH's history for multiple reasons. I was introduced to the park as a toddler in 1996 and remember it all vividly, that's when USH has world class rides and attractions all based on their own popular films, and just in general it was all amazing during that time.

The second "Age" definitely started with the new Kong, then Transformers, and so on. I guess we can call the Early 2000s as the Dark Ages of USH.
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