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Gorewood Forest

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Brian G.

Jan 21, 2008
Orlando, FL
The heartless Terra Queen is back and her wicked plans to remake the world in her terrifying image will take root in Central Park, transforming it into the grisly Gorewood Forest. Guests will find nowhere to hide from her menacing minions as they harvest fresh blood to feed her ever-growing power.
Super excited for this. Never went to HHN15 but everything Terra Queen related from that year looked incredible. And they always nail the Central Park Scare Zones.

Easily my most anticipated Zone.

Couldn't have said it better myself!
I feel like this is something someone would pop on one of their "design your own HHN" threads

I absolutely loved HHN15 and the creativity behind it

I feel a bit spoiled by all the goodies coming this year
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I'm so excited for this zone!!! Tales of Terror is one of the years I wish I could have visited the most so I'm over the moon to see part of it faithfully recreated during my first ever visit to Orlando's HHN.
On one hand, I'm really happy they're featuring characters from 15 since that has been a fan-favorite lore wise.

But on the other, as of 2019 Central Park has a bit of weakness in the form of the lagoon show. Unless Carnage Factory provides some fitting audio bleed and light leakage, this zone will unfortunately encounter some of the same issues Vikings Undead ran into anytime Marathon of Mayhem was running.
On one hand, I'm really happy they're featuring characters from 15 since that has been a fan-favorite lore wise.

But on the other, as of 2019 Central Park has a bit of weakness in the form of the lagoon show. Unless Carnage Factory provides some fitting audio bleed and light leakage, this zone will unfortunately encounter some of the same issues Vikings Undead ran into anytime Marathon of Mayhem was running.
Just stay away for what? Ten minutes? Boom, problem solved. Also 2019 lagoon show was great cuz the Viking’s bacon smell went into the docks
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Just wanted to take a moment to say that this year's zones looks really great.
After a pretty mediocre year during 29 (in my opinion) I am ready to have some awesome streets.

The set dressing on all of them is amazing, especially here at GoreWood. I wonder what the lighting situation will be here...
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Just wanted to take a moment to say that this year's zones looks really great.
After a pretty mediocre year during 29 (in my opinion) I am ready to have some awesome streets.

The set dressing on all of them is awesome, especially here at GoreWood. I wonder what the lighting situation will be here...
I thought that house-wise 29 was one of the better years, but I agree the streets were just mediocre to bad; although I did enjoy the Rob Zombie area.