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Annual Pass Benefits

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Speaking of surveys, I did one for this year's Grinchmas and I thought it may be like the ones they do at HHN where you just answer some quick questions on a form on a clipboard with a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card, but instead they took me into the VIP lobby and asked me so many questions that it took a little over 25 min. and there was no incentive like a free drink or anything. Not that I probably wouldn't have done it otherwise.
Bernard, great points. I guess the word "petition" sounds aggressive and too forceful. And is more associated usually with stopping something negative. I agree that separate personal letters to Universal would suffice. I think a well written letter that we could sign like Chris mentioned, that compliments the company and simply makes suggestions and points out a few things and voices that some of us would love a more expensive pass would be nice. (I wouldn't consider it a petition honestly. Just a letter voicing our POSITIVE opinions and suggestions of what we, as fans, would LIKE to see, not demand. I think that's the difference between a petition and a strongly worded but positive letter)
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I also know a majority of people who don't want to shell out for a Universal pass at all and think the park is boring....

And the same thing you said can be said about people who are content with just a regular Buy a Day Get A Year Free pass and don't want to shell out more for the additional benefits of the current Premium Pass. And yet it exists. Because there are those who want it, can afford it, and see the benefits of the current Premium Pass, even though the majority doesn't. Everyone is different and finds a need for different things.

There's a beautiful option available: it's called "get what YOU want" and "don't stress out about something you don't want". I think it would be especially good if the majority of people wouldn't be interested, considering it'd be too expensive and they wouldn't think it's worth it. And less stress on the so called infrastructure.

And I know I would personally get a more expensive pass. This would just be SUGGESTIONS after all, to let Universal know that some DO want it. It'd obviously be up to them to figure out if they'd wanna offer it.

I'll bring this point up again: just having a more expensive pass as an OPTION would be nice. Disney does it on both coasts. Universal Orlando Resort does it. Why can't USH? It's really not that big of a deal to offer it IMO.
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Universal doesn't cater to the Universal fan base. They cater to the needs and wants of the general theme park going public. The current Premium AP is nice for families who go more than twice a year. The parking pays for itself. It's even more convenient being a local since I can go in just for Citywalk if I want/need. I would like to see AP with FOL access to all attractions added. 
Speaking of surveys, I did one for this year's Grinchmas and I thought it may be like the ones they do at HHN where you just answer some quick questions on a form on a clipboard with a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card, but instead they took me into the VIP lobby and asked me so many questions that it took a little over 25 min. and there was no incentive like a free drink or anything. Not that I probably wouldn't have done it otherwise.
I was privileged to have done the VIP lounge survey once as well.  Many years ago.  I want to be a part of that survey process more.

Universal doesn't cater to the Universal fan base. They cater to the needs and wants of the general theme park going public. The current Premium AP is nice for families who go more than twice a year. 
Yes, agreed.  However, as seen with HP in Orlando, the fan base is going to triple in two years when Potter opens here on the west.  why not take advantage of that with higher premiums?  I would pay for it!
I've done many many surveys over the years at USH but it was always for an outside company looking to test its products. I really wanna do them for USH.

Yes, agreed. However, as seen with HP in Orlando, the fan base is going to triple in two years when Potter opens here on the west. why not take advantage of that with higher premiums? I would pay for it!
I agree. They're starting to cater to fans more and more in Florida and i sincerely think they should start doing the same here, and if not now, then obviously once Potter arrives. It's never too late to start offering a higher priced pass or being attentive of your fans. I think they should cater to their fans on both coasts. It's the right business move IMO. Especially over here where there are so many locals.

I would pay big bucks for a more premier Universal pass. Bring it on!
Universal pays a lot of attention to guest surveys, so if you want to be listened to there's your chance.
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I was asked to participate in a survey yesterday and they asked a lot of specific questions. They asked how I felt about all the attractions (I was merciless with Shrek and Simpsons) asked for suggestions, which I said that Jurassic Park was my favorite ride but it does need a refurb, not to remove Waterworld since I love it very much and to have the chicken somewhere else since Doc Brown is leaving... I forgot to say to bring back the old Grinchmas
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Kudos on providing constructive feedback through proper means.

From my experience, Universal puts a lot of weight behind VIP guests and their surveys since they're obviously paying top dollar (money speaks).

I'll say this again: it's one thing to discuss potential changes, but it's another to start petitions and "documents." Simply put, these methods don't cause change unless it's a pressing issue that the general public can get behind (see the SeaWorld controversy). Universal is not going to budge or care about 20 people - how could they?

It's just the way the business works. They try their best to gauge what the general population thinks through guest surveys. As smoaT can attest to, they sometimes manage to get a few fans mixed in as well, but fans aren't accurate representations of the general public.
if you really want your voice heard ASAP check out there is a guest suggestion link and it goes right to the managers
I have tried this feedback option on my mobile device and a desktop.  The feedback page is broken and will not allow any feedback to be sent.  If you know of anyone who needs to know this, please pass it along.  Thank you.
I have tried this feedback option on my mobile device and a desktop.  The feedback page is broken and will not allow any feedback to be sent.  If you know of anyone who needs to know this, please pass it along.  Thank you.

was the site saying something like wront text or something like that? i know if you submit it a few times it works. also it hates when you put more than a first name too.