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CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular

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It was really great! I kind of wonder if with the weather being a bit iffy right before if we missed some elements with the drones but I’m excited to see it again. The crowd was definitely into it and after Universal 360, Cinematic Spectacular, and Celebration, I think there’s now a show that will get me to stay later and check it out every so often.
I am highly impressed. This show is the best thing Universal has done (in Florida) since Hagrid's. And I'm saying that based just on watching a video. In person, it's surely even more impressive.

It delivers exactly what I want from a nighttime spectacular: a marriage of music and visuals that evokes some kind of emotional resonance.

- Using movie scores as the explicit throughline was a great, simple choice.
- I love that it opens with an “original”/non-IP sequence, and there’s an original musical theme (or if it’s from some existing movie score, I’m unfamiliar with it) that recurs and acts as connective tissue between some of the segments and comes back in a big way for the finale.
- Minimal-ish pyro is not a detriment at all. The fountains, water screens, projection mapping on buildings, and drones combine to make this feel like an appropriate nighttime spectacular even without major fireworks. There’s just enough to provide an accent and a boost for the finale, and that’s all the show needs.
- I loved hearing John Williams’ LOST WORLD and Fawkes the Phoenix themes pop up.
- Using a new version of the bombastic main title cue to FRANKENSTEIN for the Classic Monsters segment is great, and I hope it’s a little preview of what to expect from the soundscape of the Dark Universe land; we know Danny Elfman is composing some original stuff, but I really want to hear some of the classic scores, too.
- Incorporating the Minions in a meta way as the show’s technicians is a really clever touch.

In short, Universal nailed it on this one.
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Wow wow wow!!! It's even better than I hoped it would be and that's just seeing the videos of it!! The lights, the music, the movies are all perfect. Universal has won my heart again!!

Now I am even more excited for where it goes from here. From what I've seen Jason Mcmanus was the director for all of the lagoon shows starting with CineCele and Marathon of Mayhem and that the same team at Universal has worked on all of them. It seems they learn and get better with each one. I wonder now where they go from here into Halloween and other shows. If this keeps growing we have a great future in the coming years.

Watched the video with my Dad, and we both agree they knocked it out of the park with this one!
Fittingly, this one just hits all the right notes. From the throughline, to the scores, and the various ways they play with the fountains, projections, drones and so forth. A lot of nice emotional beats, and plenty of "Ok, that's COOL!" moments. Notably...

That BTTF moment, one of the best examples of all the effects playing with one another in a surprising way!

All in all, even with this just being a technical rehearsal, the show looks great! And like with the first Marathon of Mayhem, it's even more proof you can have a great nighttime show with little pyro. (And none in Marathon of Mayhem!)
Well as I said before if universal didn't think they could improve the show a lot they would have just fixed the old show and maybe made some content changes. This is clearly an improved show across the board. The fountains look closer to world of color than before. World of color is my favorite I will have to see this live to compare fully.

The score and orchestrations were really good and the focus on the music as the theme made the show more cohesive. The drones were an addition but not the main feature. I imagine having the drones lit less increases the time they can fly? Most drone shows are around 10 minutes and these were in the sky longer but lit less. I imagine this was also set up with the expectation they run without drones some nights.

I would hope they run a show for horror nights again, They need that capacity.
i'm so happy that the mummy is really prominent in this. love it all - love that they picked some potter/FB tunes that don't get enough love, loved the jaws segment, and the great ET references - including the beautiful moon ride! whoever orchestrated this did a fantastic job. all the show designers did, but the music shines