So this led me to poke around the interwebs a bit. Quite a lot of people complaining about a recently added refurb, October 27th - November 9th. This made my Reliability Engineer brain hurt to see people trying to explain when they felt it was okay to perform maintenance on an attraction...BUT....The bickering did bring up an interesting point. For about 2 weeks, DHS will be losing one of its few attractions. I can't blame Disney for rehabbing RnR, but losing it puts the park in a bad shape. And god forbid TSMM or ToT go 101 during that time. They've stretched themselves way too thin.
Also, someone posted a casting call for a RnR safety video. Part of a initiative to add extra safety videos to all attractions. But if they were overlaying RnR soon, I'd imagine they would wait on the video. Similar to not "fixing" the Steven Tyler thing.