Donkey Kong Country rumored for USH? | Page 6 | Inside Universal Forums

Donkey Kong Country rumored for USH?

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Things have changed

People in power make the rules so I guess if someone really doesn't want it to happen it wont.....but once again with the right people in office it can happen and its a theme park anyway. They can Built a wall for sound and a hotel along with the promise of more Nintendoland along with other Big IP's they acquire by then make it an easier sell

Honestly besides neighbors upset the amount of jobs its creates and simulate the locate economy its worth a few people protesting or whatever getting mad at cancel meeting but pay attention to local politics, the people in power really....really dont care what a few people think they will do what makes them the most money.

Anyway, thats years away anyhow but Universal should fight for that land when it's contract up. A big Hotel, maybe even a mini park or just a much bigger USH like the size of almost DIsneyland would just insanely good for the area in every way but maybe traffic but....its LA its par for the course
How are we still talking about the golf course? It's not happening. The people who don't want it sold are extremely wealthy, I highly doubt they're concerned with jobs to add to the economy. I'd bet the people who own the golf course have no interest in selling it. Also, Universal has a lot of rules about sound outlined in the Universal Specific Plan, if they get that plot of land they'd be extremely limited in what they could do, and that doesn't even get into the very expensive infrastructure they'd have to implement in order to make it work.
Wealthy people in the are can fly anywhere they want to for theme parks and prob have no price limit on convenient golf. Given the amount of FU money it would take to change that universal could prob invest in other things. I would be interested to see if Hollywood were a place to actually build attractions on multiple levels to save space in future expansion. I think Disneyland does some of this in the pirates area.

then by that logic the Texas and Vegas parks shouldn’t have parks.

Any way back to DK, my biggest hope is we get a second raid. Fighting King K Rool would be amazing

maybe they can some how incorporate bong drums and banana canons
How are we still talking about the golf course? It's not happening. The people who don't want it sold are extremely wealthy, I highly doubt they're concerned with jobs to add to the economy. I'd bet the people who own the golf course have no interest in selling it. Also, Universal has a lot of rules about sound outlined in the Universal Specific Plan, if they get that plot of land they'd be extremely limited in what they could do, and that doesn't even get into the very expensive infrastructure they'd have to implement in order to make it work.

You'd be more likely to see a park in South San Diego, than you would ever see a park on that golf course. And that's as impossible as that is.

Universal Studios Hollywood has the old Pit-Stop location, WoTW, Bates Motel/Psycho House, Jupiter's Claim, Supercharged, and the front lot in a few years. They'll have plenty of space to expand the park footprint.

Lol. then by that logic the Texas and Vegas parks shouldn’t have parks.

Except, Texas and Vegas hit at two completely different markets. Texas hitting something much more akin to a LEGOLand and Sesame Place. Vegas, albeit fitting into it's own landscape due to the teen/adult crowds that come to there (Especially as it sounds like it will offer a constant version of that HHN experience for all to see). Both don't directly compete with Hollywood, one out of the geographical distance and the other doing something of it's own breed. Like the TWDA Attraction did.

Echoing back to DKC, I wonder if they'll do a themed berm of some kind. Like what Orlando and Osaka will likely get.
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then by that logic the Texas and Vegas parks shouldn’t have parks.

Any way back to DK, my biggest hope is we get a second raid. Fighting King K Rool would be amazing

maybe they can some how incorporate bong drums and banana canons
Texas has a ton of land within a reasonable drive to major areas that is undeveloped and there are also plenty of corporate bootlickers who would love to give universal tax rebates in those areas, Universal likely got a good deal for the new park they want to build there with little opportunity or rights for local complaints to complicate those plans. Vegas doesn't have a major park so I am not sure what you are getting there.
Falls Lake, Supercharged, and Jupiter's Claim gives them almost 10 acres alone to stretch it out and carve a foothold with the park. Heck they could go even further, if it wasn't for the flat lot next to ET Parking becoming something back of house oriented. The key is to have ways and means in making USH a resort destination, and while I doubt a second gate in the Universal City area, there is space that they can expand.
But where would they carve the foothold in the park to access the expansion area that currently holds Falls Lake, Supercharged and Jupiter's Claim?
But where would they carve the foothold in the park to access the expansion area that currently holds Falls Lake, Supercharged and Jupiter's Claim?
one area is the hill next to the gates hotel

so instead of turning right sfterthe hotel and going to the psycho house, you’d go straight into Jupiter’s clam then turn right to go towards the house/war of the worlds

as for falls lake, maybe somewhere back stage in the studio or near the part of the tram that you pass the little lake where the water used to part (the lake right after six points Texas)

Once again think USH is going to wait a year or two to decide if they want to change the team that much or not. It’s a bit investment but if Nintendo land and then DK bring in millions of more guys and power bands and themed Nintendo merch keeps playing off the shelf then management will see the value of having room for zelda/Pokémon down the road
But where would they carve the foothold in the park to access the expansion area that currently holds Falls Lake, Supercharged and Jupiter's Claim?

I'll borrow a page from IU, and bring the Diagon rumor to bear. In 2016 I believe it was @Jonathan who wrote the article; but they entertained options on where Diagon could go (Edit from the future: Here is the article which was written by him!). They shot down WW immediately due to size, had talked on Lower Lot but commented on the potential implications in issues on infastructure, but they mentioned Falls Lake; and having the Hogwarts Express travel from the current Studio Tour Plaza to a new place around there.

Of-course, that'd have to bring a bit of infastructural changes; but it is something that out of all the rumored locations; is not the most difficult and infact is rather sensical. They could even go for a more lore-accurate layout of Hogsmeade Station, as that usually in the past was down in the valleys overlooking Hogwarts Castle. It's something you can consider more intently; and I think it makes sense (however I will acknowledge that this really should not be talked on here, as there is a separate thread specifically on Diagon).


Echoing back to DKC, I wonder if they'll do a themed berm of some kind. Like what Orlando and Osaka will likely get.

Coming back to this (Because who wants a DKC discussion in a DKC thread, right?); it's on my mind and the only thing that makes me doubt it; could be due to something in particular: the fire codes. I do think it absolutely makes sense to do, but it's genuinely in my mind.
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If the new land is connected, does it need a berm? Wont one side of it be thebackside of Super Nintendo land?

I know there are some joking about site lines....but don't know if they its worth the investment of money on a berm....vs using it to add more to the land or other areas of the park
If the new land is connected, does it need a berm? Wont one side of it be thebackside of Super Nintendo land?

I know there are some joking about site lines....but don't know if they its worth the investment of money on a berm....vs using it to add more to the land or other areas of the park

I'd argue in the terms of the berm, for the sake of covering some of the studio facilities (also thinking more in having it be a metal berm, with trees and foilage infront but the metal berm behind it.
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It was just a quick blurb, but Alicia mentioned in her podcast yesterday that we could soon be hearing some news on the rumored Donkey Kong coaster for Universal Hollywood (at the 1 hour mark):

Mentally thinking we're going to hear something during Media Preview. Even if it's a blurb like "Fast & Furious is coming to Universal Beijing" kind of a blurb. SNW feels like it's going to sell hotcakes with just Power-Up Bands alone.
Mentally thinking we're going to hear something during Media Preview. Even if it's a blurb like "Fast & Furious is coming to Universal Beijing" kind of a blurb. SNW feels like it's going to sell hotcakes with just Power-Up Bands alone.
If USH is mart as well they will do limited time Mario in costume (band will still be team mario but just look unique)

Plus they could one day make power bands that cost twice as much but are premium version like how the wands now cost 120
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Thought 1 - If DK does replace 7-11, they might take out stage 3 & 4 too. If they do that they can do an exact mirror of what they have in Japan and Orlando but with more floor space for the land ie room for a flat.

Thought 2 - If you enter DK via a bridge from Mount Beanpole they could keep the current Tram route (road way currently receiving fresh paving)
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Am I over thinking it?

I think they’re definitely going to announce DK is coming, wherever it goes in the park. Part of me think it’s due to 2 possible scenarios for guest response:

- Keep the hype train going as this will be highly popular.
- Some guests may want to wait until it’s open to go, as I’m sure this land will be insanely popular, wouldn’t shock me if Creative is worried about capacity, hence tease immediate future expansion to keep the crowds at a little bit more of an ease.