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Employment Question

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Jun 14, 2011
Oviedo, FL
how old do you have to be in order to be considered for employment as an attractions attendant at the parks. I need a job this summer and was kind of hoping to do this
Actually, you can work at Sea World in attractions when you're 17. The chances of getting it are slim, but when I worked at Manta there were several minors that I worked with.
Stoop to the level of a Publix bagger? It's a job isn't it? Yeah unfortunately you have to be at least 18 to be an attractions attendant. I did get hired at Uni as a busboy at Lombards when i was 17.
I believe food and merchandise still hire minors at UO. Shrek has had minors in the past, certain attractions (aka shows) can have minors because there isn't as big a safety risk (meaning you're not in charge of guest safety as much as you would if you were at a coaster).
Things could've changed, though. Don't take anything I'm saying as solid, just friendly advice. Your best bet is to just try applying online at UniversalOrlandoJobs.com

Good luck!
i'm talking within the parks. I shall not stoop to the level of a Publix bagger.

I honestly don't know how to respond to that other than you seem to suffer from a stunning lack of perspective and humility. You're 17, with no education, real experience or marketable job skills and you consider grocery bagging beneath you? What jobs do you honestly think you're qualified for?
i'm talking within the parks. I shall not stoop to the level of a Publix bagger.

Universal is pretty much done hiring minors. And I work at publix. There's no "stooping" to the level. And as a minor you'd get barely any hours anywhere seeing as though there's minor laws. You might as well go now people's lawns or get a lemonade stand.
Universal is pretty much done hiring minors. And I work at publix. There's no "stooping" to the level. And as a minor you'd get barely any hours anywhere seeing as though there's minor laws. You might as well go now people's lawns or get a lemonade stand.

Many employers are. I know when I owned a business we hired a few minors and then we said no more. We wouldn't hire anyone still in high school. The bad part is a few (ok too many now) bad apples causes people to just plain stop hiring them. At that age, you get what you can get. My one nurse has two kids that are Juniors in high school and they have applied EVERYWHERE and only one finally got a job at McDonalds.

Good Luck, but don't limit yourself to the "cool" jobs and you should have already been applying if you are looking for a summer job, they go even more quickly because you are competing against college students too.
i'm talking within the parks. I shall not stoop to the level of a Publix bagger.

I "stoop"ed to the level of a grocery store bagger. It led to promotions within the store to being a floor supervisor. This led to many jobs afterwards, and my current job (fwiw, I have a master's degree and am doing well). Get over yourself.