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Epic Universe Ticketing Speculation

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Do they make it like Disney where you don't get to choose specific parks and instead just purchase all three no matter what, with the addition of VB as an extra ~$80-150? The biggest issue I see with this is that all current AP holders can't just be upgraded for free to have Epic, so they're sort of stuck with needing to make it separate.
I know people blow past terms and conditions, but legally all current passholders bought access to either two or three parks, none of which is named Epic Universe.

It’s really not complicated - leaving VB out of it for a moment, they can sell two park APs up until the day EU opens. From that point forward, they can start selling three-park passes. If you want to upgrade your two-park to a three-park, you can pay the prorated difference. Legally speaking, selling a three-park annual pass when one of the three isn’t actually open is a bit messy. You’d much rather cancel the old two-park pass and reissue a new three-park pass when someone pays the prorated difference.
No chance they’ll let people buy an Epic only AP. The two current parks would be ghost towns.

Or "why would we let people pay LESS for a one park AP and not MORE for all of them?"

I know people blow past terms and conditions, but legally all current passholders bought access to either two or three parks, none of which is named Epic Universe.

It’s really not complicated - leaving VB out of it for a moment, they can sell two park APs up until the day EU opens. From that point forward, they can start selling three-park passes. If you want to upgrade your two-park to a three-park, you can pay the prorated difference. Legally speaking, selling a three-park annual pass when one of the three isn’t actually open is a bit messy. You’d much rather cancel the old two-park pass and reissue a new three-park pass when someone pays the prorated difference.

100% all this. We're all over thinking this.
I know people blow past terms and conditions, but legally all current passholders bought access to either two or three parks, none of which is named Epic Universe.

It’s really not complicated - leaving VB out of it for a moment, they can sell two park APs up until the day EU opens. From that point forward, they can start selling three-park passes. If you want to upgrade your two-park to a three-park, you can pay the prorated difference. Legally speaking, selling a three-park annual pass when one of the three isn’t actually open is a bit messy. You’d much rather cancel the old two-park pass and reissue a new three-park pass when someone pays the prorated difference.
Agreed. I 100% expect to have to upgrade my pass. I also expect that the 2 park pass goes away and becomes a 3 park pass as soon as the black out on AP passes ends for Epic. You can't just get an IOA only AP pass I have no clue why people don't think it automatically goes to a 3 park pass with an option to add VB once APs are allowed in. Now I think 2 park passes will be grandfathered until expiration date and then after that you will be forced to either cancel or upgrade.

Also, no one is overlooking their terms of agreement. Everyone has said they expect to have to pay more to get Epic added to their AP. I think some of us are saying it would not be good PR or goodwill to completely block out AP pass holders in softs AND the first 3 to 6 months. Not giving them an option to upgrade at all or attend at all within softs without buying a single day pass. That gives me zero incentive to even hold onto my pass at all.
Also, no one is overlooking their terms of agreement. Everyone has said they expect to have to pay more to get Epic added to their AP. I think some of us are saying it would not be good PR or goodwill to completely block out AP pass holders in softs AND the first 3 to 6 months. Not giving them an option to upgrade at all or attend at all within softs without buying a single day pass. That gives me zero incentive to even hold onto my pass at all.
The reason I mentioned the terms of the pass is because nobody is getting “blocked out.” If it’s impossible to enter Epic on an annual pass for a period of time, it will be because they haven’t started selling it. Annoying if someone was wanting to go a lot once it opens, but if it prevents a Tapu Tapu type situation then it probably makes sense.

Softs are going to be the messy thing - Universal will be in need of a lot of warm bodies to run through rides and restaurants and hotel rooms so it’s natural for APs to expect some sort of opportunity. But I also hope people view it as a nice perk and not something they’re entitled to. As someone who got to do a soft of Starcruiser as a guest of someone who actually earned it, the coolest part (in addition to everyone being in the moment because all of the phone cameras were taped over) was that you could tell everyone was really appreciative of the opportunity. Epic softs feel like they could turn into a lifestyler blog-measuring contest.
Softs are going to be the messy thing - Universal will be in need of a lot of warm bodies to run through rides and restaurants and hotel rooms so it’s natural for APs to expect some sort of opportunity. But I also hope people view it as a nice perk and not something they’re entitled to.
I agree with this. I feel like regardless of the solution, people will be upset with it. I'd even be shocked at a free preview day for annual passholders. I could see some discounted tickets maybe or some other type of benefit (early access to the park still?) but this is a brand new theme park. Are most people here really going to not renew their pass for the other two parks at current price if they can't get into Epic immediately?
Any shot there’s a hotel & ticket bundle deal for opening day/weekend? Would love to book one of the two new value hotels for a stay as close to opening as possible and it would be great if they had any sort of discount deal.
On passes. Recently, they did a three month free extension of renewed and new passes (pay for 12 months, get an additional 3 months free). That tells me two things. One, they want a large AP base when Epic opens. Two, demand for passes has been soft, and they're afraid of cancellations. Bottom line: Universal is going to make sure they don't have a repeat of the Hogsmeade Hollywood AP debacle. I believe that we're over thinking this entire scenario and, with the exception of a few weeks or a couple of months, Universal will create terms that will accommodate passholders, in a fair and meaningful way. Universal relies on AP's more than WDW. The AP's are an essential core of their business and attendance, especially in the less tourist traveled times of the year.
On passes. Recently, they did a three month free extension of renewed and new passes (pay for 12 months, get an additional 3 months free). That tells me two things. One, they want a large AP base when Epic opens. Two, demand for passes has been soft, and they're afraid of cancellations. Bottom line: Universal is going to make sure they don't have a repeat of the Hogsmeade Hollywood AP debacle. I believe that we're over thinking this entire scenario and, with the exception of a few weeks or a couple of months, Universal will create terms that will accommodate passholders, in a fair and meaningful way. Universal relies on AP's more than WDW. The AP's are an essential core of their business and attendance, especially in the less tourist traveled times of the year.

Just a note: the buy a pass and get 3 months free has been a yearly running promotion in the spring for several years now.
Epic softs feel like they could turn into a lifestyler blog-measuring contest.

While I agree that's an issue, I still think the larger issue is having to test out all the infrastructure. No syphoning off from the other park or other areas of the park, for instance (at least not easily). That requires a bit of pre-planning -- e.g. "show up on Tuesday" -- that will be difficult to walk back without seeing social media meltdowns.
I think if you look at a pro and con list of offering annual pass early you have some of the following:
  1. Consistent crowd by your most loyal fans
  2. Happy APs + potential incentive of bringing in additional APs due to value and good PR
  1. Potential risk of overcrowding of parks. Need ways to ensure demand for any specific day doesn't get too high. Does this require a res system?
  2. Do passholders even go to Studios when they can be at the new park or IOA?
Obviously if you don't offer annual passes, you have the risk of people cancelling their pass. Will annual passholders cancel their ticket or not renew until Epic is added? Will be interesting to see how Universal weighs everything out.
I know EU is not built for it like the other parks are but if Universal could swing HHN at EU for a year or so that would definitely up the profile dramatically. Hell, there is enough room on the expansion areas to fit a ton of tent houses and queues. And EU at night!?!
I know EU is not built for it like the other parks are but if Universal could swing HHN at EU for a year or so that would definitely up the profile dramatically. Hell, there is enough room on the expansion areas to fit a ton of tent houses and queues. And EU at night!?!
and then...Studios park would be a ghost town for 9 weeks.
and then...Studios park would be a ghost town for 9 weeks.
Maybe unless Universal goes bonkers and doubles the size of HHN to be in both parks. You lower the costs of a one park HHN ticket and increase the costs to include both parks. So if a regular park ticket is X. One park would cost 75% of X and Two park would cost 125%.

I'm just spitballing. And I aware that this is beyond crazy speculation and most likely wouldn't work for a ton of reasons I haven't though of.

Edit: And it's obviously cloud in the sky wishful thinking. I was just trying to combine Universals most profitable and high profile offering with with it's newest baby. But with a lot of my ideas it's probably square peg vs round hole.
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Maybe unless Universal goes bonkers and doubles the size of HHN to be in both parks. You lower the costs of a one park HHN ticket and increase the costs to include both parks. So if a regular park ticket is X. One park would cost 75% of X and Two park would cost 125%.

I'm just spitballing. And I aware that this is beyond crazy speculation and most likely wouldn't work for a ton of reasons I haven't though of.

Edit: And it's obviously cloud in the sky wishful thinking. I was just trying to combine Universals most profitable and high profile offering with with it's newest baby. But with a lot of my ideas it's probably square peg vs round hole.
Universal is likely going to need epic universe to be open late every night to handle crowds as well as accommodate a night time show year round. It would be better for universal to expand horror nights in studios to more nights.
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I know EU is not built for it like the other parks are but if Universal could swing HHN at EU for a year or so that would definitely up the profile dramatically. Hell, there is enough room on the expansion areas to fit a ton of tent houses and queues. And EU at night!?!
Putting aside the detrimental effect on Studios' bottom line, HtTYD would be a no go, Nintendo would largely be a no go, MoM would be difficult at best. You're looking at an event in a central hub that is still trying to attract convention diners to its high end restaurants and a single land. Without empty soundstages and tents waiting to be used.
The reason I mentioned the terms of the pass is because nobody is getting “blocked out.” If it’s impossible to enter Epic on an annual pass for a period of time, it will be because they haven’t started selling it. Annoying if someone was wanting to go a lot once it opens, but if it prevents a Tapu Tapu type situation then it probably makes sense.

Softs are going to be the messy thing - Universal will be in need of a lot of warm bodies to run through rides and restaurants and hotel rooms so it’s natural for APs to expect some sort of opportunity. But I also hope people view it as a nice perk and not something they’re entitled to. As someone who got to do a soft of Starcruiser as a guest of someone who actually earned it, the coolest part (in addition to everyone being in the moment because all of the phone cameras were taped over) was that you could tell everyone was really appreciative of the opportunity. Epic softs feel like they could turn into a lifestyler blog-measuring contest.
Again it is PR related. APs will feel blocked out whether they are and passes just aren't for sale yet. I don't feel entitled, just saying I am keeping my passes past expiration for the opportunity to get to see and do Epic. If that opportunity doesn't exist I have no incentive to keep my past thru the hot summer that I barely use it for.

I agree with this. I feel like regardless of the solution, people will be upset with it. I'd even be shocked at a free preview day for annual passholders. I could see some discounted tickets maybe or some other type of benefit (early access to the park still?) but this is a brand new theme park. Are most people here really going to not renew their pass for the other two parks at current price if they can't get into Epic immediately?
To your last question. Yes, I know several who rotate thru the parks and absolutely would cancel and move on. It doesn't make sense to keep paying for a park you won't go to often because it is hot and because your kids are getting bored of it and want to move on to the next thing. Now people who have had Uni passes for years and years? Of course they won't cancel. But it is the people who they attract with the extra 3 month deals and stuff like that. Which they clearly need or they wouldn't offer it.

Just a note: the buy a pass and get 3 months free has been a yearly running promotion in the spring for several years now.
Do they offer in Spring and Fall normally? I bought mine in the Fall last year.
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