Fast & Furious: Supercharged - General Discussion | Page 441 | Inside Universal Forums

Fast & Furious: Supercharged - General Discussion

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From purely an enjoyment level, I just don't get how people can consider this the worst ride lol.
In the best case scenario, It's so bad it's good is the most positive assessment I can give Supercharged. Hopefully if that rumored HRRR replacement comes to pass, Supercharged is closed down and given an overlay until Universal can think of an actual substantial replacement.
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Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you discounted everything terrible about the ride that everyone else has pointed out already (I think they did a pretty good job at theming the physical sets, there's something I really enjoy about them) but I just cannot get over how much of an ear sore it is whenever they shoot out the steam effects. The ugly PS3-style graphics don't help either, nor does Dom being about the same size as the helicopter. I went on it with friends yesterday and everyone pointed out how badly it hurt to just listen to the obnoxious explosions and gunfire left and right, as if there's some "story" that just ends with you randomly in a warehouse for... a party?

The thing that makes this ride worse than other painfully loud rides like Transformers is that the ride vehicle isn't at all dynamic and I can hardly tell what's supposed to be happening most of the time. They really botched that voice over of the FBI agent, it's incredibly distracting how off it is (although after re-riding Forbidden Journey, somehow those final screens where Harry/Dumbledore are talking to you are worse.)
From purely an enjoyment level, I just don't get how people can consider this the worst ride lol.
You mean besides the incomprehensible story line and lack of ending?
too short, awkward bus, awkward acting, awkward graphics, awkward party, bad cgi,
A pronounced lack of ambition, a ride system that can't deliver on the promise of the word "fast," the re-use of a ride system found in the park next door that cheapens that ride's uniqueness...

We could go on!

Still better than Gringott's!
I'm one of the board's most notorious Gringotts skeptics... but even I think this is going too far!

The Gringotts queue alone is a better and more satisfactory experience than the entirety of Supercharged.
A pronounced lack of ambition, a ride system that can't deliver on the promise of the word "fast," the re-use of a ride system found in the park next door that cheapens that ride's uniqueness...

We could go on!

I'm one of the board's most notorious Gringotts skeptics... but even I think this is going too far!

The Gringotts queue alone is a better and more satisfactory experience than the entirety of Supercharged.
I will forever be the #1 hater for Gringott's!

F&F I think at least is so bad to the point it's funny and fun to ride (especially with friends). Gringott's I think is just extremely disappointing.
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It’s insane to think the company that has created Epic Universe also created this ride.

Some things don’t hit and miss, that’s fair. But this……. Insane to think it passed.
How did it take Uni 10 years to realize that maybe the series almost entirely dedicated to driving fast cars deserved something better than the least mobile ride system ever? At least Mario Kart gets the excuse of being for kids.
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How did it take Uni 10 years to realize that maybe the series almost entirely dedicated to driving fast cars deserved something better than the least mobile ride system ever? At least Mario Kart gets the excuse of being for kids.
The problem was this attraction was pushed as it was by the Universal film division Executives, not Universal Creative, who wanted to synchronize it with the movie releases. Later, UC heads said they should have pushed back since they realized it was going to be a poor attraction in that form. Thierry Coupe, VP of UC, did a few interviews concerning that before he retired from Universal. TC said it's a bad attraction.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you discounted everything terrible about the ride that everyone else has pointed out already (I think they did a pretty good job at theming the physical sets, there's something I really enjoy about them) but I just cannot get over how much of an ear sore it is whenever they shoot out the steam effects. The ugly PS3-style graphics don't help either, nor does Dom being about the same size as the helicopter. I went on it with friends yesterday and everyone pointed out how badly it hurt to just listen to the obnoxious explosions and gunfire left and right, as if there's some "story" that just ends with you randomly in a warehouse for... a party?

The thing that makes this ride worse than other painfully loud rides like Transformers is that the ride vehicle isn't at all dynamic and I can hardly tell what's supposed to be happening most of the time. They really botched that voice over of the FBI agent, it's incredibly distracting how off it is (although after re-riding Forbidden Journey, somehow those final screens where Harry/Dumbledore are talking to you are worse.)
Hollywood got rid of the story. Used to be that you would spot doms car and call it in as a security threat .
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you discounted everything terrible about the ride that everyone else has pointed out already (I think they did a pretty good job at theming the physical sets, there's something I really enjoy about them) but I just cannot get over how much of an ear sore it is whenever they shoot out the steam effects. The ugly PS3-style graphics don't help either, nor does Dom being about the same size as the helicopter. I went on it with friends yesterday and everyone pointed out how badly it hurt to just listen to the obnoxious explosions and gunfire left and right, as if there's some "story" that just ends with you randomly in a warehouse for... a party?

The thing that makes this ride worse than other painfully loud rides like Transformers is that the ride vehicle isn't at all dynamic and I can hardly tell what's supposed to be happening most of the time. They really botched that voice over of the FBI agent, it's incredibly distracting how off it is (although after re-riding Forbidden Journey, somehow those final screens where Harry/Dumbledore are talking to you are worse.)
For the ten millionth time, it's a drone, not a helicopter -- although removing the 3D makes for awkward sizes
For the ten millionth time, it's a drone, not a helicopter -- although removing the 3D makes for awkward sizes

It looks very much like a helicopter; why do you need to be rude about it?

i never knew that drones needed helicopter blades, a tail rotor, or landing skids.... weird drone...
