There's an old joke about the difference between Trekkies and Trekkers: Trekkers are Star Trek fans, and Trekkies are Star Trek fans who insist you call them Trekkers. Fanboys, among other things, are fans who bristle at being called fanboys.
As to Star Wars, I don't give hardcore fans the credit/blame for the failure of Solo, or for the soft box office of Last Jedi. The former was saturation, the latter largely MRA nonsense with, yes, some pissy fanboys thrown in.
I'm not taking any of the fanboys' love of whatever they stan from them. What I'm trying, and have in your case evidently failed to do, is point out how little your opinion likely matters overall to Universal, as the content of this thread and others would indicate that you're overvaluing that to the detriment of the conversation. Ive said my piece on it though, and a word to the wise is usually sufficient.