All I really want to say is control what you can control, and play with the hand you’re dealt.
As an individual, I can’t protect everyone. What I can do however, is get my vaccine, wear my mask inside the houses, and if I find myself taking the house too seriously, I’ll grab a blinky cup drink (or two) to loosen up and enjoy the event for what it is.
There’s a lot of HHN fans who would love to be in our shoes right now preparing to go to the event, especially those overseas. HHN is a highlight of the year for many of us, but sometimes that becomes a double edged sword where we get too close and invested to what we love.
Be smart, stay safe, and I’ll see you all in the fog.
Makes you wonder what the cause of the increased attrition is? In the future how could they alleviate some of that?
Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a great answer to alleviate some of the issues at play.
Its a physically demanding role, hot, sweaty, and repetitive. Scareactors have to grind really late hour shifts, interact with plenty of unruly drunk (or just plain a-hole) guests, all for the same pay they could get most anywhere else. I respect the heck out of what they do, but don’t envy them one bit. It’s not a role for the weak.
I think the biggest difference this year (and this is purely speculation) is that jobs around the country are bumping pay a bit and offering sign ons. Maybe that’s enticing enough for scareactors to jump out now instead of waiting a few weeks like in years past.