Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors | Page 240 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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No mention of legacy

Tyra Banks Mic Drop GIF by Allure
I'm kinda wondering if they couldn't replace some Wednesdays with these. My thought is if they are getting, just for math's sake, 10,000 people on a Wednesday at $83 a head, and of those, 2,000 get express at $170, that's $1,170,000. If they sell 4,000 tickets at $350 they are at $1,400,000. Hell, they could probably still sell express passes. There's people that would still buy them. Granted thats really simplifying it, and doesn't account for food and merch sales. Still, I don't know that it's not something they couldn't do every other week or even a couple times throughout the event and not add days to the staff.

In the last couple of years, you could plot every HHN night's attendance on a graph and have absolutely no clue which was a Wednesday in September and which were October Friday/Saturdays. That's a good hypothetical but nights like that don't really exist anymore.
if you’re going to accuse someone of something totally pointless and inconsequential, please at least come with receipts

Not to mention, it's incredibly weird to play the "No wonder I don't believe you" card on the very person you've been constantly asking for info (sometimes rudely demanding it) and then relying on said info.

Either way, good riddance and merrily moving right along.
Huh... is it me, or are the total mental breakdowns increasing after a full week of announcements?
Uhm... we're having fun here?
It's all going to be ok.
Please take a breath think about the good things we have before needlessly, pointlessly and brainlessly lashing out.
This is why I don't generally do forums of any kind but this one.
One is enough. heh heh
Love y'all.
And Horror Nights.
Have a lovely evening and enjoy some unforced and actually sincere positivity.
(Not addressing you just in general) it’s really weird to mention the one time someone may have gotten something wrong but not the countless times they’ve been right.

Spec changes. It’s never that serious
Yeah, I’m not sure where this sorta bit is coming from but it has certainly felt more common this year. Between weird stuff like this and “taking sides” when it comes to rumors and spec it’s gotten a bit old. Especially given what a fun announcement season this has been!
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