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Harry Potter Reboot Series

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its best to separate the art from the person. Otherwise nearly everything becomes unenjoyable because generally speaking humans are awful. While I understood where Rowling was coming from due to her clearly unresolved trauma, her doubling down and not actually educating herself while maintaining this thought process is almost unhealthy as Voldemort's obsession with certain things...(I guess that's why Voldemort is so well characterized since she can empathize with him)

I'm fine with the reboot because there were things in the books I was quite curious about that they didn't showcase in the movies so i think that would be fun.
This is actually pretty well said and going back to the show, i'm looking forward to the show for that same reason. There was actually quite a bit I would've liked to have seen either explored deeper or things showed that simply never got shown in the movies that would've been really cool.

Plus, this gives them a chance to do certain things a different way. The movies fans of those will always have those to watch if they want. This is really just Potter for a new generation and nothing much more. Think of it like a Disney live action remake. WBD knows adults will want to share this with their kids and it will be one of their biggest hits they've ever had on name alone. It's really an IP that three or even four generations who read the books can watch together and enjoy. Things like that don't come around often.
its best to separate the art from the person. Otherwise nearly everything becomes unenjoyable because generally speaking humans are awful. While I understood where Rowling was coming from due to her clearly unresolved trauma, her doubling down and not actually educating herself while maintaining this thought process is almost unhealthy as Voldemort's obsession with certain things...(I guess that's why Voldemort is so well characterized since she can empathize with him)

I'm fine with the reboot because there were things in the books I was quite curious about that they didn't showcase in the movies so i think that would be fun.

Sometimes it feels like eventually every single artist will have something bad in their past, (David Bowie, Seinfeld, Marilyn Manson, the Beatles, Metallica etc) so while the people that did bad things need to fix things or help the victims or something, it's gonna reach a point where every form of media will have controversy.
About potter, I almost wish and hope that this show is much better than the movies, I really hope that this show is better so that it can bring a new era to the franchise. Theres a small chance that it will be better, but I really hope they do it well. It will help move forward. It will bring new air into the franchise. The parks could even adapt parts or the show or something.
Just gonna say, you're sliding down one slippery slide if your reasoning for being fine with supporting someone as truly dreadful as J.K. Rowling is 'Well, I bet EVERYONE is full of hate and lacks empathy, y'know?'.

And I say that having no strong feeling whether you should or should not consume things she has a hand in. My ultimate feeling is that life is far too short to deprive yourself of something that might bring you joy so if someone wants something Potter related but doesn't like supporting Rowling, they shouldn't feel any guilt or shame in partaking. Just as no one should feel backlash for straight out protesting her and not wanting anyone else to partake either. The depth of evil she's spewed and damage she could potentially do to people who are already naturally targeted and attacked just because they're slightly different weighs much, much more heavily than a slightly above average book series about a kid wizard.

Separating art from artist is fine, as long as it's not an excuse to shovel over their wrong doings (not that anyone here is doing such) and never having to discuss their wrong doings.
Like @Nick mentioned, Potter is a thing that will live on for generations. Parents will pass it to their kids, then those kids will grow up and pass it to their kids, etc. It's going to be timeless, like Star Wars.

Rowling is nearly 60 years old - Potter will FAR outlive her. She has made a ton of money from the property, and will continue to do so until she passes. As has been mentioned, she's likely just getting paid an up-front licensing/producer fee - and that's that. Not supporting the shows/games is anyone's right, but the only people truly being hurt by that are the cast/crew/developers/etc.

My wife is a massive Potter fan. Her best friend is also a transgender woman. Her best friend has said "if I had a new console, I'd definitely be playing the game."

It is possible to separate the art from the artist. Not everyone wants to do that, and that's completely fine - but those that can should not be bullied/ridiculed, just like those that can't shouldn't be either.
If you don’t want to watch, don’t watch, but also find ways to help beyond this. If you’re into it, that’s fine, but understand where everyone else is coming from. Real stuff is happening daily.

I’m interested in the proportions of these numbers moving forward, but they won’t solve any problems. They gave the series a 10 year order regardless.

I’m guessing that was done for two main reasons:
1. To appease JK Rowling after Beasts.
2. To project that regardless of boycotts, they are committed. (I am resolute in the belief that they want adult fans to tune in, but this is primarily for the next generation.)

All that being said, things can change. This is a business. Zaz is one man and HBO has had several parent companies in recent times. Who knows what the world will be like in 10 years? I didn’t think this would be it in 2013 when I started on this forum. I had a Potter quote as my signature here for near a decade. That is now gone.
I actually do think there's a little difference between Ezra and The Flash and what we're talking about in this case. With The Flash, Ezra is front and center and supposedly in almost every scene of the movie. With Potter, JK is not someone you actively see. Yes, she still cashes in from the game and anything Potter related, but she got a bunch of money up front for the game and is only going to make more simply because it's a really good game.

I understand people who want to boycott the game or this new show on principal, but she was also as far removed from this game as possible. Buying the game used is a good tactic since it's an already purchased copy meaning you aren't giving JK any more money than she's already made off of the game. The issue with the show again is that, unlike the game where she was far removed, they've come out and said she's going to be closely involved. That's where I think the issue for me is and where they could've fixed the issue a lot of people are going to have with it but I digress.
Also ans like myself who think the Flash movie will be great but wont support it in theaters aren't telling your that your a bad person for seeing the film

I don't want Ezra to get more movies until he gets help but its not my want to make it unfun for those who want to enjoy the Flash film.

As you said JK has a pile of money and everyone here in someway has or will support her in the future its almost impossible unless your not a fan of Potter but everyone here has eaten or had a butter beer once so to me its just weird to try judge others while you also support her just not as loudly
Also ans like myself who think the Flash movie will be great but wont support it in theaters aren't telling your that your a bad person for seeing the film

I don't want Ezra to get more movies until he gets help but its not my want to make it unfun for those who want to enjoy the Flash film.

As you said JK has a pile of money and everyone here in someway has or will support her in the future its almost impossible unless your not a fan of Potter but everyone here has eaten or had a butter beer once so to me its just weird to try judge others while you also support her just not as loudly
I have no desire to see The Flash due to Ezra's literal on tape situation that nobody wants to do anything about, however I also wouldn't be watching The Flash anyway so that's not really a boycott is it? So I want to stress where my position is here. If you don't support something and feel the need to boycott, it's 100% your right.

However, what i've sort of sloppily been saying is that I also don't believe that people who want to enjoy certain things that are being boycotted should see hate themselves. Why continue a circle of hate? Everyone has their own perspective on how they either view the world or what their position on a boycott is. Everyone has their line.

Being upfront, my personal position is that while I don't agree at all with JK and think her views are awful, a boycott is not going to help solve anything. To me, I can play a Potter game or watch a new show and then donate to Trans charities after and I see that as making a bigger difference. I just don't see life as long enough to deprive myself of something that looks fun if I can also help out Trans communities in other ways that help to make a real meaningful impact. I see an attempted boycott in the same way I retrospectively see the black avatars everyone turned to after George Floyd. Sure, you're standing in solidarity, but is anything actually being done?

I hope this didn't come across as insensitive in any way. I was just trying to share what my viewpoint for my line of thinking is. This is not a simple subject matter and requires a bit of nuance.
Just gonna say, you're sliding down one slippery slide if your reasoning for being fine with supporting someone as truly dreadful as J.K. Rowling is 'Well, I bet EVERYONE is full of hate and lacks empathy, y'know?'.

And I say that having no strong feeling whether you should or should not consume things she has a hand in. My ultimate feeling is that life is far too short to deprive yourself of something that might bring you joy so if someone wants something Potter related but doesn't like supporting Rowling, they shouldn't feel any guilt or shame in partaking. Just as no one should feel backlash for straight out protesting her and not wanting anyone else to partake either. The depth of evil she's spewed and damage she could potentially do to people who are already naturally targeted and attacked just because they're slightly different weighs much, much more heavily than a slightly above average book series about a kid wizard.

Separating art from artist is fine, as long as it's not an excuse to shovel over their wrong doings (not that anyone here is doing such) and never having to discuss their wrong doings.

What I was trying to say before. I'll put it another way, using companies instead,
Disney has had some problems with problematic stuff in the past, there have been different controversies and stuff. Every Disney movie made before 2000 has had problematic or offensive stuff in it one way or another. Companies like Apple have had some problematic stuff before. Problematic about their factories or stuff. ( Amazon recently)
There's been some human rights problems with different companies,
Some companies have had worst things than others, but at the same time, millions of people also work for them that didn't do anything. So for example a lot of people boycott and avoid Amazon, but Amazon is thousands of people, not just one, so it makes me wonder, a lot of people depend on it. People in our personal lives ( someone in my life drives for Amazon)
Potter itself is almost like its own company by now, as a franchise. It's not just a book written by one person. It's a thousand people company basically.

I wonder if what J.K Rowling needs to do is go the George Lucas way and sell it to universal. Sell it for high. Move away from it. I don't know.

Once JK signs the rights away, so many pointless spin off books and tv shows.

I’d also lol

If people who hate JK support the company that pays her billions for the rights. In my mind at least that still is supporting her, just with a middle man
So disappointing that these really talented people are wasting their time with this IP. I don't understand why this is being made besides the fact to keep She Who Shall Not Be Named relevant who has ruined her career by being a really awful person. This is so pointless. Hope it fails tremendously.

So disappointing that these really talented people are wasting their time with this IP. I don't understand why this is being made besides the fact to keep She Who Shall Not Be Named relevant who has ruined her career by being a really awful person. This is so pointless. Hope it fails tremendously.

If we’re getting a series I’m glad it looks like it’ll be done to high quality.
If we’re getting a series I’m glad it looks like it’ll be done to high quality.

I think the biggest problem this has going against it is that it’s just going to feel pointless. For all their faults, the original movies did not change that much compared to the books. Was anyone really that upset over Peeves being cut that it ruined the films for them?

Compare that to something like Percy Jackson, where the original attempt was so far removed from the source material they had no choice to reboot because it immediately lost the fans.
I think the biggest problem this has going against it is that it’s just going to feel pointless. For all their faults, the original movies did not change that much compared to the books. Was anyone really that upset over Peeves being cut that it ruined the films for them?
That’s where I’m at. I just don’t get the point of watching this after several very good movies and a time when I’ve never been less into the franchise. I love the theme park lands, but I don’t ever need to see another representation of this on screen.
I think the biggest problem this has going against it is that it’s just going to feel pointless. For all their faults, the original movies did not change that much compared to the books. Was anyone really that upset over Peeves being cut that it ruined the films for them?

Yup! haha IDK if they were loud enough to warrant this reboot, but I remember complaints about all the finer details not being included.
That’s where I’m at. I just don’t get the point of watching this after several very good movies and a time when I’ve never been less into the franchise. I love the theme park lands, but I don’t ever need to see another representation of this on screen.
FB didn’t work so they’re going back to what works. That’s pretty much all this is.
Yeah, I get why the studio is doing it. I’m just saying that as someone who basically perfectly aligns in age with the Harry Potter generation, I have no reason to watch this story again. If I want to do that, I’ll just watch the movies I quite like.
I think if we’re trying to answer the other why that you’re posing, it’s that it’s not necessarily aimed at you? I feel like this is aimed to usher in a new generation of young Harry Potter fans who can grow up with the show like we grew up with the films.
I think if we’re trying to answer the other why that you’re posing, it’s that it’s not necessarily aimed at you? I feel like this is aimed to usher in a new generation of young Harry Potter fans who can grow up with the show like we grew up with the films.
We need Harry Potter the hit the griddy to be relatable to the kids.

I don't buy this argument, sorry. It's not like kids feel more ownership over the Disney live-action remakes than the original films. It's not like Harry Potter isn't already failing to win over new young fans every year, it's one of the most popular young adult book series in the world. And if kids do become obssessed about Harry Potter through the show, they'll probably just churn through the movies anyway?

I'm also not sure if a show that closely alligns with J.K Rowling's vision is something that would appeal to kids in the current moment. Given the way the Fantastic Beasts movies shaked out, I'm not sure I trust Rowling and co to refrain from inserting the hackneyed political metaphors and overly intricate and nonsensical plotting that stymied the Fantastic Beast films, especially when they're trying to extend the plots of each book to fill out eight hours of television.
Yeah, if anything that makes even less sense than aiming for nostalgic millennials. Kids who have grown up, or are growing up, with parents who enjoyed the movies will have already read the books or watched the movies if they want to. Or worse (for the success of the series) they’ll know more about Rowling’s abhorrent political views than they do about the series.
Yeah, if anything that makes even less sense than aiming for nostalgic millennials. Kids who have grown up, or are growing up, with parents who enjoyed the movies will have already read the books or watched the movies if they want to. Or worse (for the success of the series) they’ll know more about Rowling’s abhorrent political views than they do about the series.
Politics aside, Rowling has been unable to craft engaging stories, even when presented with foolproof narrative frameworks (i.e globetrotting animal adventure film). Her focus has largely moved away from the aspirational elements that drew young fans to the series (taming fantastic creatures, house selection, potions classes, schoolday drama etc), towards the increasingly nonsensical lore and arcana of her world. I just don't think kids will find that interesting if the original stories are inflected with that perspective.

If I have anything to say about her politics within the context of what's acceptable on this forum, it's largely that her political presence and obsessiveness over certain issues has distracted her from addressing fundamental flaws with her storytelling approach.