Except we've seen this for the past 3 or 4 seasons set this up. Every time she's about to lose her mind and do something completely horrible she either has Tyrion, Varys, Jorah, Missandei, or Jon to talk her off the ledge. Where is her character's council now? 1). Tyrion has failed her numerous times. His council has costed her more than it has benefited so she's unwilling to listen to him. 2). Varys was trying to poison her/ in the midst of betraying her. 3). Jorah is dead. 4). Missandei is dead. 5). Jon won't hop on the incest train, so she feels like the one person she could lean on for honest council has betrayed her and she realizes that he is everything she is not (heir to the throne, loved by the people, level-headed, true to his word, etc.) Also she has always had knee-jerk reactions as a character from burning the witch to crucifying the masters. Maybe it's because I've been rewatching the entire series for the past two months and just caught-up last night, but there are hints of this being her true character throughout the entirety of the series when she gains some sort of power.