The entrance will be the firehouse. Outside will have the cab ghost, and he'll occasionally can be seen switching between radio stations. One will be the "Ghost fever has gripped new york" along with songs from the movie. Louis Tully will wander outside and ask for a sign. If you give the wrong word he'll go "You'll burn in hell with the rest!", give he the right word and he'll give you his card from his accounting firm. The Ghostbusters car can be heard revving, and sometimes you can hear the siren.
You then enter the lobby with Janine. She'll have various voice triggers the actor can pick (the usual "Ghostbusters, what ya want?", one where she thinks you're the EPA "Excuse me, where you going?", or longer calls like the one with Dana or the hotel) Egon will bust through a nearby door with a trap (has a mini fogger in it), Some other times it'll be Winston.
You then enter the containment chamber with the lights going on and off and sirens blaring. The room will have a disappearing room effect where the walls blow up and you see into the spirit realm. The Scoleri Brothers will be electrocuted and scare. You'll see the ghosts playing cards and leaning up against the walls. Sparky's head will float off from his body, and Gertrude's upper half will remove from the body. As you leave, the other Scoleri Brother and Slimer will scare.
You then enter into the library, where the shelf doors will open and close, along with symmetrical book stacking. The Library Ghost will materialize out of thin air, and transform into her beast form. You then enter into the spirit realm version of the room, where the Library Ghost will scare.
You pass the supernatural signpost for The Sedgewick Hotel sign, where it'll light up with blacklight and paint. You pass the elevator door as it opens, where Venkman will exit out of. He'll have multiple voice triggers the actor can pick (He can exit the door and hear his proton pack start up, as he then says "Oh im sorry, I thought you were someone else" or he'll exit and say "Anyone seen a ghost?" or "We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!" ) Ray can be seen nearby trying to get Venkmans attention to a nearby Slimer (projection) eating food. Venkman being Venkman doesn't notice, so Ray tries to blast Slimer. You turn the corner as Slimer (charge puppet) charges at you, and right before he makes contact, the lights go out as water sprays on you, as you hear Venkman say "He slimed me..." You then enter into the spirit realm version of the scene, where Slimer attacks again.
You pass the supernatural signpost for Central Park West, and enter the apartment living room. Dana can be seen struggling with the hands on the couch, and a nearby door can be seen stretching. You pass the corner, and get scared by a Terror Dog.
You then enter into a black hall with a light hitting on you, as you hear Gozer say "Chose the form of the destructor", as you then hear Ray say "...I couldn't help it, It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man" Gozer will also scare in this hall.
You then enter into the rooftop, where a 20 foot Stay Puft towers over you. The four Ghostbusters can be seen firing at him, as Stay Puffs face gets angry.
As you exit the maze, Slimer will give one final scare.