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HHN 19 - Ripped from the Silver Screen

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Why is it always that one of the icons houses is always in the Jaws Queue? The popularity of that location is low but they do it every year. Although I did like Reflections, I do not know how Saw will work in this location.
Someone was finally balsy/stupid enough to break into a house and take video. I'm not sure if I'm glad he did it but if you watch the video it confirms Saw's house location.

Construction Video

Haha. Wow. The part where he's between tents made me laugh for some reason.

I guess "Hammer" as SAW's name makes sense for the codes. A saw and a hammer are two common tools. Looks like the part where he saw the tricycle post it might be the bathroom from the first movie? I don't know.

What was the point of him running between the tents? Didn't even try to get in.. stopped and looked at HHN18 props.

and as for Disaster... are those items already in the queue? Or is that for HHN? Maybe that'll be similar to All-Nite-Die-In back there and it features possibly Alien & something else?
He claims he tried to open the doors and they were padlocked. As for the Disaster Que all of the large props are part of the que. I know last year they utilized some of the props to there advantage and the other ones were simply removed. Depending on the house I'm sure they could do the same this year.
Someone was finally balsy/stupid enough to break into a house and take video. I'm not sure if I'm glad he did it but if you watch the video it confirms Saw's house location.

Construction Video

One part of me is happy to see that, but the other feels dirty and disgusted because I don't want to know anything before I get to go through it. So, I am officially not watching any more videos. word.
One part of me is happy to see that, but the other feels dirty and disgusted because I don't want to know anything before I get to go through it. So, I am officially not watching any more videos. word.

I was about to say the same thing. I'm not a fan of those videos, but I'll watch the first one out every year. I'm done watching videos until the event starts.
Yeah. I'm bad about watching those videos. They'll give away to much some times. From what I understand they are going to be hitting trespassers hard this year. They are taking all sorts of precautions against it and now that this kid has done it they are asking for more security around the house locations. Honestly if you are thinking about doing this I suggest not to.
Yeah. I'm bad about watching those videos. They'll give away to much some times. From what I understand they are going to be hitting trespassers hard this year. They are taking all sorts of precautions against it and now that this kid has done it they are asking for more security around the house locations. Honestly if you are thinking about doing this I suggest not to.

I only take pictures from areas that are not blocked off/roped off. Granted, I might reach over a rope, but I never trespass. It's good that they're finally cracking down.
Yeah. I'm bad about watching those videos. They'll give away to much some times. From what I understand they are going to be hitting trespassers hard this year. They are taking all sorts of precautions against it and now that this kid has done it they are asking for more security around the house locations. Honestly if you are thinking about doing this I suggest not to.

I really don't know why people would risk being banned by Universal or potentially much worse to look at black wooden walls.

Granted, he did crack that SAW will be in the Jaws queue, but if he's caught.. is it worth it? No way. When he was out on the sprung tent area, all he saw was props from last year. Waste. Disaster showed nothing new. He could've gotten in a ton of trouble for little to no payoff. Stupid.
What I liked about the video was not what he grabbed, but how he did it. When he was around the tents, he was running so fast and as soon as he hit a prop he started to slow down to grab some footage. Once he got that, it was full speed ahead. :lol:
Okay.. so that house "list" is becoming clearer and clearer. Here's what we have so far.. allegedly.

Soundstage 23 - Dracula
Soundstage 23 - Frankenstein
Sprung One - Chucky
Sprung Two - Civic Duty.. nothing yet.
Parade Building - Silver Screams? Usher house?
Soundstage 22 - Wolfman
Disaster Overflow Queue - Possible black and white movie related house?
Jaws Queue - SAW
I think it's awesome that all the classic monsters will be done right in soundstages, and the alleged Icon house will be in the Parade Building which is almost like a soundstage. Good job Universal.
There is a rumor floating around that Fangoria will sponsor houses. Pretty much that it would be for example "The Fly supported by FANFGORIA". I'm not sure if I like this idea but if it's true I'm hearing it will be two houses.

On the note of scarezones. I've heard all the same zone locations will be used as last year and I've read that Chainsaw Drill Team might not be making an appearance. The CDT rumor I don't believe in the slightest but I figure I'd update you guys anyways.

-I'm 75% sure The Stranger's will be where The Skoolhouse was last year. I don't really like this idea because it'll just seem like a spiritual successor to The Skoolhouse

-I'm also fairly positive that there will be a midway type SZ over where Fracture Tales was. I've read it was a Cirque Du Freak SZ which I hope is NOT true by all means. If you've read the books you understand why

-I read ages ago that there might be a Black and White Movie based SZ. Don't know if it's true because it hasn't been circulating in a while.

-The last one and this rumor just JUST sprung up and there aren't any confirmations on where it would be if it was true. Regardless, I've heard that there might be a collisions sort of scarezone. Two classic monsters fighting over one area. Once this one sprung up people thought FvJ but I'm not sold on this concept and I'm not sure if it's true.
I hope the chainsaw drill team comes back. I loved the area where the chainsaw actors were by Doomsday. There were constant screams and guests running for their lives. Never saw the Strangers so I do not know what to expect. When I heard midway I thought more of Midway of the Bizarre from Breaking Point. I really hope that they have an area with moving props so that if you go one day something will be in one spot but another time it would be moved to another location by the scareactors during the event. Maybe Dracula vs. Wolfman.