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HHN 19 - Ripped from the Silver Screen

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According to an interview posted to Haunted Attractions UK with the creators of the Saw films, they confirm that they have signed a deal with Universal to bring Jigsaw and the world of Saw to Halloween Horror Nights at the Orlando and Hollywood parks this fall.

Saw this on Scremscape.

I am not a fan of the idea of Horror Movies again (HHN 17) Let's bring back some classic houses if we are redoing things. Maybe though they are going to make the Director the Icon and do it that way. I can only hope for 50 more Jason's in the Friday the 13th House. 30 more Leather Faces and 10-15 Freddies. I guess 10-12 Jigsaws would be enough. Yes that is sarcasm.
This worries me. I really don't want Jigsaw to be THE icon this year, but I have a really bad feeling they're going to tie him in.
They could do a good scarezone with SAW. Lots of fog, that crazy laughing the doll makes over the speakers, the smaller folks from the school zone last year dressed up like the SAW doll riding around on trikes and jumping off and chasing you, crazy torture props that are possibly in motion throughout---they could do this alright! I don't know about an entire event, but a good house and scarezone done right then sign me up.
After a very enjoyable trip to Busch Gardens a few weeks ago, I think I'm gonna spend my money in October there this year. After 8 years in a row of attending HHN, I think it's time for a change.
I can almost guarantee that Jigsaw will be in the Saw house, be the co-pilot icon, and be used for marketing.

Yeah. I totally agree.

I like the idea I saw on the Vault where at some point during the night... the lights dim and projections of Jigsaw come on the screens on the MIB building and the building by NY, etc. with Jigsaw saying "I want to play a game."

Something to that effect. The idea of him as an icon could be good as long as all the houses are not Saw. Something where we would have to face our fears at each house, etc.

I'm interested to see what Universal can do. I totally believe the event will still be top notch.

EDIT: Saw this at the vault..


I know last year they had an independent walkthrough in California that at the time, was not endorsed by Lionsgate. I wonder if this is for HHN or if they are endorsing it for this year.

Florida is also at the top, while hard to read, it's there. This has to be a HHN teaser unless there will be another indy-house somewhere in Florida. I doubt that. This whole thing has gotten way too confusing way too fast.
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It would be cool if they did that and had him come up at other places. A saw event would not be that great for me for many reasons but The Director would be nice to have as an icon.
You can bet your money that that teaser is not official, it looks great and all yeah, but whoever made it put 09'.

The correct way to put this is '09, a major movie studio wouldn't make a dumb grammar mistake like that.

You can bet your money that that teaser is not official, it looks great and all yeah, but whoever made it put 09'.

The correct way to put this is '09, a major movie studio wouldn't make a dumb grammar mistake like that.


Fake or not it's almost irrelevant. If you google this and dig deep you pretty much find out that this is confirmed.

I know this seems weird but you can usually tell when Roddy or Aiello will have something at horror nights because of Facebook or Myspace. Currently Roddy has a picture of Billy the doll on his Facebook and this was posted right before this rumor popped up. Last year Aiello and Roddy both blogged about how they liked Doomsday...:shrug:
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I know this seems weird but you can usually tell when Roddy or Aiello will have something at horror nights because of Facebook or Myspace. Currently Roddy has a picture of Billy the doll on his Facebook and this was posted right before this rumor popped up. Last year Aiello and Roddy both blogged about how they liked Doomsday...:shrug:

I saw Roddy's Saw picture on his Facebook not too long ago before I heard the Saw thing was actually confirmed and I kind of had a feeling something was up.
I saw Roddy's Saw picture on his Facebook not too long ago before I heard the Saw thing was actually confirmed and I kind of had a feeling something was up.

It's not just that if you go on the HHNvault a fan visited the Saw house in California and met some people from Lions Gate. He reported of some suspicious acts when he approached them about bringing Saw to other theme parks besides Thorpe Park.
I love people who meet from Film companies and talk to them. That is a good one. Those are a lot of the same people who get dropped off at HHN by there mom. The event needs this kinds of characters to draw in bigger crowds. Recognized names draw people in and that is a fact.

Universal needs to draw in the crowds to keep the park numbers up. I was told that HOS makes up 8 percent of there crowd for the year imagine what that number is for HHN.
I know this seems weird but you can usually tell when Roddy or Aiello will have something at horror nights because of Facebook or Myspace. Currently Roddy has a picture of Billy the doll on his Facebook and this was posted right before this rumor popped up. Last year Aiello and Roddy both blogged about how they liked Doomsday...:shrug:

Do you know all the scareactors or something? :lol:

Anyway, I'm in general agreement that a Saw house or scarezone would work great. As Yeti said, the icon could be the Director, and for more familiar names they could bring back Friday the 13th (especially with the recent movie), Nightmare, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre... maybe throw in the classic monsters that some have been asking for, too. Throw in the Thing for your necessary alien house (the alien from Alien, as awesome as it would be, is chained in by Disney... unless Fox doesn't consider a horror event at a theme park to be a theme park), and you have a good event set up. (Note: I haven't experienced any of the past houses mentioned... so maybe some redos are in order, but it otherwise works)

Also, what site are you pulling that picture from, Ralph? It isn't showing up... I'll check it out at home.
So checking out Facebook updates. Roddy has given a "Good Guy" doll to a friend.....:bang:

I really hope that has nothing to do with HHN this year.