#HHNForever - Orlando 2020 | Page 8 | Inside Universal Forums

#HHNForever - Orlando 2020

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Lame. It's such a little thing, but I can't stand dropping the numbers. Felt the same way when it happened with Wrestlemania for example.
They’ve been trying to shift to it for a few years now. It allows for a lot more crossover merch that can be sold on both coasts. With this year’s events not happening, it introduces some narrative confusion about “what year” 2021 would be. That confusion is all the excuse they need to pull the trigger on the change.

Call it “HHN 2021: Terror Reborn” or “Rebirth of Horror” (meta-textual taglines with the it being the first fully Aielo-free, and possibly Murdy-free, years), give it a sort of “reboot” vibe with a new logo/typeset, and they’re set for the next decade.
Hardcore HHN fans will almost all come back in 2021, no matter how this is handled. And I would doubt the general public cares much about some of these fairly minor horror topic points. The GP, realizing
fully the problems caused by covid, will be happy for any added entertainment. The ones that are very covid safety conscious probably won't come anyway. The theme parks are being held to a higher
standard than just about everything else in Florida. Overall, Disney & Universal have done decent, safety wise. Not perfect on all days, but perfection is too high of a standard to expect. A smaller footprint offering is better than no offering at all.
Well, they are owned by what's considered by many, to be the greediest cable company out there. And that's saying a lot.

However, they and a limited amount of others, are the only ones that can allow us to walk through and ride our favorite movies. As long as we keep feeding the beast, they're going to keep giving us a product we love, but one can't work without the other. Now I don't know about everybody else, but I'm not going to stop selling my soul to the corporate devil anytime soon.

I don’t really know what to say this...it’s really sad though.

For me, they’d be a lot easier to buy into if they weren’t going about some things as overtly heinously as they are right now. Like, at least other parks are attempting to kinda save face...where as, sadly, Universal is starting to look to me like they’re just saying “F it” across the board.

However, I’m veering way too OT with this so I’ll keep it to “HHN Forever”-I’m hopeful whatever this turns out to be is enough to keep people happy.
They’ve been trying to shift to it for a few years now. It allows for a lot more crossover merch that can be sold on both coasts. With this year’s events not happening, it introduces some narrative confusion about “what year” 2021 would be. That confusion is all the excuse they need to pull the trigger on the change.

Call it “HHN 2021: Terror Reborn” or “Rebirth of Horror” (meta-textual taglines with the it being the first fully Aielo-free, and possibly Murdy-free, years), give it a sort of “reboot” vibe with a new logo/typeset, and they’re set for the next decade.

Honestly, I'd take taglines like that. I'm just already dreading the inevitable shift to strictly "Halloween Horror Nights" every year even though we're almost there already. It's so minor, but it just hurts for whatever reason lol. I think it just feels like yet another shift away from the old creativity of the icon era and makes things run together. It's the dumbest smallest thing to care about, but :shrug:

It's already happened - but fans are stubborn. :lol:
Touche :lol:.
In the years after this, would they keep the same number of houses, assuming there will be lower crowds and likely less of a budget? What do we think the original/IP ratio might be? Just speculating...obviously there must be a few synergy/corporately mandated houses each year, but hopefully that doesn't become the entire event.

As far as the numbering goes, it would just feel wrong for the ones digits to not line up.
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In the years after this, would they keep the same number of houses, assuming there will be lower crowds and likely less of a budget? What do we think the original/IP ratio might be? Just speculating...obviously there must be a few synergy/corporately mandated houses each year, but hopefully that doesn't become the entire event.

We are getting WAY ahead of ourselves here....
If next year isn’t hhn 30 that also gives them a reason to completely scrap this years entire lineup and to with something new next year
I thought the concession was anniversary years. It’s “HHN (insert year here)” unless it’s an anniversary year. Already a shame they didn’t go with HHN XXX. Seems like a huge waste not to save money by moving HHN 30 merch that’s already been created this year at next year’s event.
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So if 2 houses do open during the day I’ll assume it would probably be beetlejuice and brides? I could also see texas probably being a choice since I doubt they want to carry it over to next year
So if 2 houses do open during the day I’ll assume it would probably be beetlejuice and brides? I could also see texas probably being a choice since I doubt they want to carry it over to next year
IP contracts would have to get renegotiated for non-HHN use.

I expect Captured and Lives. Maybe Revenge.

The soundstage houses have facades, which is an important consideration for what houses get used.
So I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up, but lots of people who got cast for HHN earlier in the year are being cast for a new event and being held under NDA’s for details. From what I know, a good portion of the Bedtime Stories house has been recast along with others cherry picked throughout.

Of course this could just be for entertainment similar to Mardi Gras though. Just a lot of street/sidewalk entertainment to add some atmosphere at night to a “fall festival” type of event.
If anniversaries are one of the reasons for dropping the numbers, then I'd be perfectly happy if we got an anniversary every 10 years instead of every 5 if that helps