Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 103 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Cancel that I just caught up on the thread. I didn't have a zoom camera on me and I assure you it had no shine when I was 50ft from it.
Unless I missed it and they finished the track. Could they there be a "last piece" celebration/announcement planned. Which is why they held off installing the last piece? Unless they just ran out of time, or it didn't fit ;)
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Unless I missed it and they finished the track. Could they there be a "last piece" celebration/announcement planned. Which is why they held off installing the last piece? Unless they just ran out of time, or it didn't fit ;)

I highly doubt this. They have a schedule to keep to and I'm very sure it doesn't include anything like that.
It's rumored June 23rd might be Universal's planned date for Kong's Grand Opening because they have blacked out VIP Tours and Partner Complemtary Pass for that day, and only that day, in June.
Where did you see that because it's not listed on the website as blacked out?
Atleast they're not playing Jenga with the track.
Or Tic Tac Toe ;)

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