Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 132 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Thin steel that seem to be heading to the emergency exit door at Hulk station. Note gap at bottom of the door.

What is the building in the centre of the photo with the red Windows?
I saw dragster roll back one time. My brain didn't consider at the time (2005) the fact that brakes on both sides were a thing. I thought someone was going to die. I would have shat myself if I was on that one.

We were sitting in the front row of Dragster waiting to blast off when the train in front of us rolled back. We really did think we were about to die! It came back sooooo fast and then slammed the breaks on right before "crashing in to us". I literally screamed out loud, as I had never seen a coaster do that! LOL:shock:
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Here's some video I got a couple days ago... It looks to me that the electrical boxes and conduit/cables are running up nearly all of the supports on the front-half of the coaster, not just the cobra roll. Still not sure what they're for, but they're on more supports than I had originally thought. (Electrical stuff starts around 3:30 in video.) Some screenshots of it below and more on blog post.








Cuffs to add more conduit here


There were cuffs on pretty much all major supports on the guest side of the track layout, not just cobra roll. Maybe we'll see a more elaborate lighting setup than just blinking red lights for height markers. Maybe.