Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 148 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Looks to me as though there is an LED installation on the bottom of the car. Difficult to tell for sure though because of the lighting setup from the promotional shoot.

I think the light under the train is coming from behind it. It's difficult to say for certain but I don't see the point in having a light directly under the train unless it's off to the side, out the way of the track.
I think the light under the train is coming from behind it. It's difficult to say for certain but I don't see the point in having a light directly under the train unless it's off to the side, out the way of the track.
Yeah, I meant more so on the undercarriage of the cars positioned directly above the rails. That way we'd get the kind of glowing track effect everybody was clambering for throughout construction.
So, just curious, what timeframe are we thinking about for late summer? Like, August? I really thought this would be ready by our trip the last week of July. :saywhat: Oh well, just another reason to return, right? ;)
Im really hoping for last week of July but i doubt it as @JungleSkip said late august

Looks to me as though there is an LED installation on the bottom of the car. Difficult to tell for sure though because of the lighting setup from the promotional shoot.

I think it will have lights flashing on the side of the cars.. If you watch some videos the official twitter account put out it looks that way but just spit balling.
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I wonder if the music in the video is actually some of the new music for the ride?

I would be shocked if it isn't.

I thought it was neat they were redoing the queue and track for this ride but WOW, this is spiderman level upgrade... actually even more so. This is so cool.
I think that bg music on the video might just be the ride music. Wiki lists the ride time at 2:15 and the music is 1:51. I would estimate the wiki time to be a Universal include of leaving the station and slowly entering the station. So that music would be great for the takeoff and landing.
I think the light under the train is coming from behind it. It's difficult to say for certain but I don't see the point in having a light directly under the train unless it's off to the side, out the way of the track.
Maybe it's the light package they originally had but now fully functional....

"Did you ever see the light package on the original trains that made it look like it was sparking underneath? Looked really amazing, but they couldn't get it to be reliable and they just shut it off shortly after grand opening."
It makes no difference. Having bragging rights about that is like saying "FIRST" on YouTube videos.

It's not so much about saying first, it's more about being able to experience a ride without really knowing what's going to happen. I'd like to think that I won't read the Kong spoiler thread when it starts but I probably will. If I knew I was going to be riding it in a few weeks, I could wait but not over 4 months.
It's not so much about saying first, it's more about being able to experience a ride without really knowing what's going to happen. I'd like to think that I won't read the Kong spoiler thread when it starts but I probably will. If I knew I was going to be riding it in a few weeks, I could wait but not over 4 months.
It's really that hard to not look at anything? I just can't understand that....

If it's that special or means that much to you OR you think it'd really make the world of difference I don't think it would be that hard to avoid.
It's not so much about saying first, it's more about being able to experience a ride without really knowing what's going to happen. I'd like to think that I won't read the Kong spoiler thread when it starts but I probably will. If I knew I was going to be riding it in a few weeks, I could wait but not over 4 months.
I agree, there is something to be one of the first, that's why softs are cool as well :)
I agree, there is something to be one of the first, that's why softs are cool as well :)

There definitley is something cool about being first to ride it. I actually happened to be at Universal the first official day Rip Ride Rockit was open. 3 hours later after standing in the heat, I was able to get on. Wasn't working at first, that ride always seemed to have issues the first year it was open

Going back to Hulk, can't imagine planning a summer trip to Universal and having that not being open. July is probably gonna be unbearable there in terms of crowds and lines. Kong being open should help though.
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