Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 150 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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A tiny anecdote here, but my nephew who was visiting me on leave in the military in a sensitive position saw the net and asked what it was there for. I explained and he got all big and brave that if he lost his military ID they would get it down for him. I told him, "No they won't" and then he went off sounding like a combo of North Korea and Mr. D. Trump assuring me Universal would jump for him and his leaders. It was ridiculous. He didn't lose his id thank goodness.
Do you guys think the diamond shaped pieces at the end of the launch tunnel are coming back? I'm guessing not since all of the cranes are gone, but I have to admit that it looks strange without them.
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A tiny anecdote here, but my nephew who was visiting me on leave in the military in a sensitive position saw the net and asked what it was there for. I explained and he got all big and brave that if he lost his military ID they would get it down for him. I told him, "No they won't" and then he went off sounding like a combo of North Korea and Mr. D. Trump assuring me Universal would jump for him and his leaders. It was ridiculous. He didn't lose his id thank goodness.

Interesting. Most soldiers view the potential to lose the ID their problem, because they know what happens if they do and the superior sees the lost ID as negligence.
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Yeah... Being IN the military currently any loss of something sensitive is the individual's issue. Nevermind the fact that the military cannot order a private organization to do anything. We can't even imply coercion since it's a violation of ethics law.
Do you guys think the diamond shaped pieces at the end of the launch tunnel are coming back? I'm guessing not since all of the cranes are gone, but I have to admit that it looks strange without them.
I think some sort of end cap would have to come to the end of the tube, but cranes being gone is a good point. Needs a little something in my opinion
A tiny anecdote here, but my nephew who was visiting me on leave in the military in a sensitive position saw the net and asked what it was there for. I explained and he got all big and brave that if he lost his military ID they would get it down for him. I told him, "No they won't" and then he went off sounding like a combo of North Korea and Mr. D. Trump assuring me Universal would jump for him and his leaders. It was ridiculous. He didn't lose his id thank goodness.

That actually is my biggest fear in the parks tbh. Losing my DOD id would get me in so much trouble and create such a hassle. But yea Universal wouldn't do anything to get it
A good friend of mine (who passed a few weeks ago) lost his iPhone 6 when we rode Silver Bullet at Knott's a couple years ago. Wouldn't have been a big issue if it weren't for the fact that he was an Apple employee with a pre-market model of the phone. We lost half the day trying to locate it so he could get it back into his possession. Luckily it landed in a non-guest area and they were able to recover it a week later.
I think some sort of end cap would have to come to the end of the tube, but cranes being gone is a good point. Needs a little something in my opinion
No way they're leaving that like it is, with the holes burned into it from the removal of the previous pieces. Something is coming but I don't know what.
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In BGT I have seen them shut down rides to retrieve someone's lost phone etc.
About 10-12 years ago I was rocking my Motorola Razor, my son and I got off of Kumba (BGT) and walking down the ramp I realized my phone was gone.. They told me they close the ride and walk the track at certain intervals throughout the day and when to come back next and check.. We went back when they said and I could not believe the crew actually had my beloved Razor phone, from that day forward I never visited a park without my "roller coaster shorts" (zipper pockets :))
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In BGT I have seen them shut down rides to retrieve someone's lost phone etc.
Years ago while riding Apollo's Chariot my phone flew out of my shirt pocket at the top of the second hill and went sailing into the swamp below. I let guest services know just as a chance-in-hell shot, and wouldn't you know two weeks later my lost phone not only arrived in the mail, but still worked! Back then, BG had the best customer service, hands down.
But about there any way possible that they would do this refurb and not add ac to the queue? It just hasn't been spoken of and I'm just going to die if they dont :faint:
But about there any way possible that they would do this refurb and not add ac to the queue? It just hasn't been spoken of and I'm just going to die if they dont :faint:

Earlier on the thread I thought some insider confirmed they were putting AC in the queue. But it has been a long week and my memory could be fuzzy.
I'm pretty sure they've sealed all the openings that were on the side of the building, so I don't see how it wouldn't be.
Actually those ventilated typed boxes you see from the outside of the queue were only painted black I believe so I don't think they have, if they are then I would say so also.
I'm pretty sure they've sealed all the openings that were on the side of the building, so I don't see how it wouldn't be.
Pretty sure he was joking.

With this and Kong getting pushed back a bit I might just wait for the crowds to die (late August/early Sep). Kinda bumbed out my day.

I'm just stoked now to see that sexy new train running.

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