IOA Lagoon Show | Page 3 | Inside Universal Forums

IOA Lagoon Show

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Wow, now that looks like a proper show, full of energy. Was any one lucky enough to see this live.

I just found this clip for another thread, and I figured why not post it here! This contains a few ideas posted here already, and they did this when the park opened! Just imagine what it could be now! I was thrilled to watch this while thinking of this thread and some of the stuff said.

Great video, knokout1! :pop:

jmercer25, I love your ideas for showcasing each land, and special effects and experiences related to each :thumbs:

I think a lagoon show in IoA could be something similar to IllumiNations, with a central focus point in the middle of the lagoon. There's already several spots from which one could view such a lagoon show, and they could also build out more viewing area. The only place which wouldn't work well would be WWoHP because it's too far back. The nearest spot to watch would be the temp. bridge, or an even farther view from behind the Three Broomsticks, but otherwise, this could totally be worked out.

Instead of having fireworks coming from a barge in the lagoon, they could shoot them from the roofs of buildings around the lagoon, like Confiscos, Mythos, JP Discovery Center, and Capt. America Diner.

As far as the central focus point in the lagoon, I have an idea... Ok, you know those toy lightsabers that retract? Like, the top/narrower pieces fit into the lower/wider pieces? I thought of a lighthouse with that sort of mechanism that could rise out of the lagoon, and then it could have images projected on it. The lighthouse is emblematic of Islands, but really it could be anything. Just an idea :shrug: The only thing, is that lighthouses are not really in the middle of the water, but oh well... creative license :p
As far as the central focus point in the lagoon, I have an idea... Ok, you know those toy lightsabers that retract? Like, the top/narrower pieces fit into the lower/wider pieces? I thought of a lighthouse with that sort of mechanism that could rise out of the lagoon, and then it could have images projected on it. The lighthouse is emblematic of Islands, but really it could be anything. Just an idea :shrug: The only thing, is that lighthouses are not really in the middle of the water, but oh well... creative license :p

TDS does something similar with their version of Fantasmic. The Sorcerers hat is the central focus point of the show and it has images that are projected on it. Take a look at the video below:

Here's my thought on this:

Redo the Port of Entry waterfront into a Paradise Park-like area from DCA, and just pay someone to do a World of Color for IoA. Sure, it may not be the most creative option out there, but doing it right at the front of the park reduces the crowding affect in the rest of the park and can give the show a single focal point, something that Cinespec seems to lack.
TDS does something similar with their version of Fantasmic. The Sorcerers hat is the central focus point of the show and it has images that are projected on it. Take a look at the video below:


Cool! I'd never seen that one before :p What I was thinking of is something similar, but with the images projected on it, not as much as an LED cone. And maybe fill the lagoon with fog and project on the fog too, if that's even possible :shrug:

Here's my thought on this:

Redo the Port of Entry waterfront into a Paradise Park-like area from DCA, and just pay someone to do a World of Color for IoA. Sure, it may not be the most creative option out there, but doing it right at the front of the park reduces the crowding affect in the rest of the park and can give the show a single focal point, something that Cinespec seems to lack.

I don't think crowding would be a huge issue if there were viewing areas all around the park. The show would probably be at park close, so it's not like it'd be affecting the attractions. Also, most pathways around the park are not near the "shore," so to speak, so navigating the park should still be unaffected.
Right, but the problem is the show needs a focal point. Cinespec's weakness is that it has none, and is a bit scattershot. Having one set viewing location would work wonders for the show.
Right, but the problem is the show needs a focal point. Cinespec's weakness is that it has none, and is a bit scattershot. Having one set viewing location would work wonders for the show.

That's for sure. That's why I thought one central object in the middle of the lagoon would work, but actually it would be hard to pull off a good view from all angles, all around. Maybe there could still be a central symbolic thing, but then each viewing area could have it's own water screen. (Not the big structures like CineSpec, I mean the semi-circular ones that come from below, like the ones in Fantasmic and also featured on a smaller scale in CineSpec)



(Pic from @attractions)
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I've scheduled myself a visit to check this and something else out in the next few days.