So I actually did the Double-Feature tonight which was the original Jurassic Park followed by JW: Dominion. The last time I saw the original on the big screen was for the 25th anniversary event at USH. So obviously enjoyable.
As for Dominion.... it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't omg amazing. Which is the problem with the JW films. This trilogy is rough when it comes to rewatch ability, unlike the original trilogy.
I didn't hate the locusts plot device to bring in the legacy characters. The Owen on a horse with dinos had the same vibe as "Rise of Skywalker" space horse scene. Felt dumb. The Raptor chase through Italy was way better than it had any right to be. Overall it had good Dino action, legacy characters carried the movie, Claire was once again better than Owen. The new pilot character had mentioned there will be an extended cut & I can definitely see that. It felt like stuff was missing here/there.
The lack of Tim, Lex, Kelly, Sarah, Kirby family, Etc was missed. Sorry, but this trilogy needed to use them. The fact that Claire's nephews (or sister) weren't back again also felt odd with this being the end.
On a completely different note, there were so many scenes that straight up gave me HHN vibes & it's been 20 years since Orlando had their "Project Evilution" house in 2002.