I'm really late to this since as someone who isn't the most avid on here, I had no idea until now that we had a whole forum for movies and games, but I feel like putting in my two cents anyway.
Personally, I didn't think this film was outright terrible, but I also thought it wasn't like amazing either. Maybe it was a step up from Fallen Kingdom, but I think I just don't know how to feel about it overall, cause after reading this whole thread, which allowed some thoughts to simmer, I definitely see what people took issue with when I remembered other things they established in the previous two movies.
I may need to do a rewatch one day, but on one hand, I wanna say the "dinos mixing into the modern earth" thing was still kind of there? But at the same time I see how even that got pushed aside somehow. However, looking back, I do feel that the trailers and Battle at Big Rock did seem to hype up more of that theme, and it makes me wish they did better with that. I also didn't even see the prologue stuff because I thought it'd be in the film proper, and cutting those did do more harm than good now that I look back at those. On a side note, I didn't hate the locust thing, but that might be my bias of how the arcade games have you dealing with giant insects of some kind already as a type of enemy.
In short: I thought it was okay, but I totally see where people are coming from with the flaws, especially with rewatchability, which I didn't consider too much of back then, but I totally see how it helps a movie now that I remember seeing two re-releases of JP1 in the past. One was the 3D re-release (almost a decade ago, jesus) and the other was the IMAX screening they had for that anniversary event.
It is kind of strange how both Star Wars and JP had a similar fate with sequel trilogies and how the first of those was the strongest while the other two are questionable at best. :c
Though if I had to chose between TROS and this film, this one's an easy pick.